Development of Mathematics Student’s Worksheets Based on Problem Based Learning in Class XI Science Students.


  • Nailatul Nabila
  • . Edrizon
  • Puspa Amelia


This research is motivated by the use of problem-based mathematics student worksheets (LKPD) in class XI science students by teachers in schools which can be said to be imperfect. It is said to be imperfect because it does not yet meet the requirements of the Ministry of National Education, namely there is no component of study instructions and supporting information. To overcome this, one of the efforts made is to develop a problem-based mathematics student worksheets ( LKPD)  in class XI science students in accordance with the terms and conditions set by the Ministry of National Education.

The purpose of this study was to develop a problem-based mathematics student’s worksheet (LKPD) in class XI science students that is valid and practical. The hypothesis in this study is the problem-based mathematics student’s worksheet (LKPD) in class XI science students is valid and practically used.

The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D). The Method of  development of LKPD use Plomp model. It consists of an initial investigation phase, a design phase, a realization phase, a test phase, an evaluation and, a revision and finally an implementation phase. But this research is only until the test, evaluation and revision phase. Validation was carried out by two Mathematic’s lecturers. Practicality testing was carried out on 33 students of class XI IPA of SMA N 1 Bukittinggi and one mathematic’s teacher.

Based on the validation results from the experts, it was found that the LKPD was valid with an average validity of 87.96%. Based on the practicality questionnaire from the teacher obtained an average practicality 89.58% with very practical criteria. While the results of the practicality of students' questionnaires were on average 86.67% with very practical criteria.

            From the results of this study the researchers suggest that further research can develop problem-based mathematics student’s worksheet (LKPD) in class XI science students to phase 5, namely implementation. It is also hoped that researchers will also be able to develop this problem-based mathematics student’s worksheet ( LKPD) with language that is easier for students to understand in class XI Science


Keywords: Student’s Worksheet (LKPD), Math learning, Problem Based Learning


