In one hand, the lullaby have impact on the formation of the child's character. On the other hand, the beauty of the lyrics of lullaby can provide peaceful when the child wants to close his eyes. In the lyrics of lullaby, many messages can be obtained by the child. Therefore, a mother must be able to create or sing a lullaby that contain values of character education. Some relevant studies are: Afandi (2016), Salahuddin (2015), and Mulliani (2014), but in different objects. The purpose of this study is to describe (1) the structure of lullaby lyrics (2) the value of character education in lyrics of lullaby, and (3) the relationship between structure and the value of educational characters in the lyrics of lullaby in Kubu Sub-District, Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau.
Winarni (2014) said that children's literature is a work which in terms of language has aesthetic value and in terms of content contains moral education values that can enrich the soul of children. The lullaby lyric is one kind of the lyrical poetry. Rokhmansyah (2013) said that poetry is composed of words in beautiful language and full of meaning written in the form of stanzas, and one will be able to distinguish the structure of poetry based on physical form itself. The surface-structure of poetry consists of diction, judgment, concrete words, figurative language, verification and typography. Rokhmansyah (2013) said that the deep-structure is the content or meaning that the poet really wants to express. In other word, the deep structure is something that is implied behind what is written. The deep structure of poetry consists of theme, feelings, tone and atmosphere, and message. Salahuddin (2015: 80), the value of character education is the main thing and is very important to be instilled in children from an early age, such as a personality that is able to give birth to manners, ethics, and creativity of the younger generation that reflects the strong character.
The type of this research is qualitative with descripive method. This research is focused on the structure and value of character education of lullaby lyrics at Kubu Sub-District, Rokan Hilir Regency by compiling data through interviews, and documentation using media such as recording equipment, and cameras. Data analysis is done trought: (1) translate the lyric into Indonesian, (2) classifi data into aspects of the research, (3) analize the data adjusted to the problem raised and the theory chosen, (3) interprete the result of data analysis, and (4) take conclussion of the research.
The research findings showed that there is an physical structure of the lyrics of lullaby, namely: (1) diction 25 data, there is a denotative meaning and connotative meaning, for example the construction of Menjunjung Tinggi, denotatively means membawa di atas kepala. connotatively, the construction means seorang menaati perintah dari tuhan, (2) imaging (images) 6 data, for example the image of Ibu buaikan and the image of hearing Janganlah Menangis (3) figurative language 2 data, for example the metaphor of Si Buah Hati Intan Permato (4) versification 4 data , in the form of rhyme, which is a repeater of the sound "ih" in the lyrics of manih and menangih. The inner structure of the lullaby lyrics, namely: (1) 3 themes in the song lyrics are affection, such as the song Ayun Dibuai, divinity such as the song "Na Ni Na", humanitarian themes such as the song surga di bawah telapak kaki Ibu, and (2) feelings of 8 data, namely: feelings of love such as in the lyrics of the song ayun dibuai responsibility in the lyrics of Surga di Bawah Telapak Kaki Ibu and humanity such as in the song Dodoi o dodoi lah Sayang and (3) mandate of 5 data , for example, jadilah manusia hidup berjasa and (4) tone and atmosphere of 2 data, for example means religiously sengsara di dunia, akhirat pun merana. The value of character education which consists of 4 types, namely (1) religious 3 data, for example, menjunjung tinggi perintah Allah, and (2) discipline 1 data, menjunjung tinggi perintah Allah (3) social care of 2 data, for example, ibu buaikan janganlah menangih (4) responsibility of 4 data, for example, patuh dan taat pada perintah. The linkages of this research from previous researchers namely: Alfandi (2016) and Salahuddin (2015) are both trying to conserve oral literature, through written theory documents. Whereas Krisna (2014) both described the problem of character education values in the lyrics of the lullaby.
Based on the results of this study it is suggested that: for students, to better understand oral literature especially the structure and value of character education in a literary work, so that it can give contribution to insight, knowledge in creating local culture, teachers are advised to pay more attention to the learning media used in the teaching and learning process of Indonesian language and literature, it is recommended for the community to keep and conserve the lullaby in their area.
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