Development of Interactive Mathematics Learning Media with Lectora Authoring Tools on Material Building Flat Side Space for Class VIII Students of SMPN 27 Padang


  • . Alexander
  • . Niniwati
  • Yusri Wahyuni


This research is motivated by one of the materials that is difficult for students to understand in grade VIII of SMP Negeri 27 Padang, is to Build a Flat Side Space with sub-material The surface area of the Cubes and Beams. The teacher still uses the usual media such as: ruler, runner, and bow. and other props provided by the school. But students still have difficulty in understanding concepts and determining formulas and solving math problems. Based on these problems the author makes interactive mathematics learning media with lectora authoring tools presented in the form of applications, so students can use this application without downloading. (Hamalik in arsyad 2013:19) argues that the use of instructional media in the teaching and learning process can arouse new desires and interests generate motivation and stimulation of learning activitiesand even bring influence psychological effects on students.

               This type of research is a development study using ADDIE and Borg and Gall development research procedures consisting of information gathering and planning (Analysis), followed by the development of a product draft (Design and Development) namely initial product, validation, and revision, so that a trial is carried out initial field (Implementation and Evaluation) to see students' responses to the product being developed.

               From results of the validation sheet analysis carried out twice, it was concluded that the interactive mathematics learning media was good and could be used without revision, while the results of the practicality test questionnaire obtained  the student response to the learning media used was practical at 84%.

               Can be concluded that the interactive mathematics learning media developed is valid and practically used as a medium in the process of learning mathematics. The writer suggests, this learning media needs to be developed by the teacher on mathematical material for the purposes of the learning process.


Keywords: Learning Media, Interactive Mathematics, Lectora Authoring Tools, Build Flat Side Space


