Development of Mathematics Learning Modules Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning in material properties of plane figures for Class V students of SD 17 Gunung Pangilun


  • Retno . Mundasari
  • Niniwati . .
  • Muhammad . Sahnan


Executive Summary


Mundasari, Retno. 2019. Development of Mathematics Learning Modules Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning in material properties of plane figures for Class V students of SD 17 Gunung Pangilun, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.


Supervisor :     Dra. Niniwati, M.Pd.

Dr. Muhammad Sahnan, M.Pd.


The research is motivated by the lack of availability of books in the school library which makes it difficult for students to find learning resources. This study aims to produce a Mathematics learning module based on Contextual Teaching and Learning on the material properties of plane figures for fifth-grade elementary school students who meet valid and practical criteria. To overcome this the writer develop a teaching material. Teaching material developed is a module based on Contextual Teaching and Learning. According to Musfah (2012: 203), "Contextual Teaching and Learning is a holistic learning process and aims to motivate students to understand the meaning of the learning material they learn by relating the material to the context of their daily lives (personal, social, and cultural context) so that students have knowledge/skills that can be flexibly applied (transferred) from one problem/context to another problem/context. "


This type of research uses development or Research and Development (R&D). The development research model used is a 3-D development model consisting of the stages of defining, design, and develop. This research was conducted in the even semester of the 2018/2019 school year. The research instruments included validation sheets and practicality sheets (teacher and student questionnaire). In the validation process, the module design that was designed was validated by two experts/experts in their fields and then tested it on a limited basis in class V SDN 17 Gunung Pangilun with 28 students.


The results of a Mathematics learning module based on Contextual Teaching and Learning on the material properties of plane figures for fifth-grade elementary school students produced meet valid criteria by the validator with an average value of 83.46%. The resulting modules meet the practical criteria of teachers and students with an average value of the percentage of both is 89.69%. Thus it can be concluded that the Mathematics learning module based on Contextual Teaching and Learning on the material properties of flat shapes for grade V students produced is valid and practical. So that it can be used as alternative teaching material.


Keywords: module development, Mathematics, Contextual Teaching and Learning


