Development of Domino Card Game Media in Mathematics Learning for Students of Class IV SDN 27 Sungai Sapih, Kecamatan Kuranji
Executive Summary
Dewi, Yulfa. 2019. Development of Domino Card Game Media in Mathematics Learning for Students of Class IV SDN 27 Sungai Sapih, Kecamatan Kuranji. Thesis Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.
Supervisor : Drs. Fazri Zuzano, M.Si.
Arlina Yuza, S.Pd, M.Pd.
This study aims to produce learning media using domino cards on angle measurement material for fourth grade students of SDN 27 Sungai Sapih that meet valid and practical criteria. This research was conducted because of the lack of use of the media during the learning process, so that in terms of the delivery of material is less to be understood by students. Therefore, there is a need for learning media that helps make it easier for students to understand the subject matter by using the learning media of dominoes. According to Hestuaji (2014: 2), dominoes are a learning medium that can be used to attract students' interest in learning mathematics.
This type of research uses development or Research and Development (R&D). The research development model is a 4-D development model which consists of four stages, namely the stage of defining the design, developing, and disseminating. Because of the limitations of the researchers, this study was limited to a 3-D model and through revision by experts according to experts. The 3-D stages are define, design, and develop. Domino card media is validated by two experts, namely material experts and media experts. The test subjects in this study were students in grade IV SDN 27 Sungai Sapih, amounting to 22 people. After learning activities using the domino card game, the teacher and students fill out the media practicality questionnaire.
The results of this study indicate that the domino mathematics game media for students in grade IV SDN 27 Sungai Sapih showed very valid criteria by the material expert validator with a percentage value of 100% and very valid by media experts with a percentage value of 100%. Practicality by the teacher scored 94.23% with very practical criteria, and students amounted to 94.54% with very practical criteria. From these data it can be concluded that the domino card game media in mathematics learning for fourth grade students of SDN 27 Sungai Sapih produced very valid and very practical.
Keywords: learning media, mathematics, domino card games