Development Of Learning Module Based In Inquiry Method In Learning Science Students Class V SD N 13 Lohong Pariaman,
Excutive Summary
Mardian, Rahmaliza. 2019. Development Of Learning Module Based In Inquiry Method In Learning Science Students Class V SD N 13 Lohong Pariaman, Universitas Bung Hatta
Pembimbing : 1. Dr. Hendra Hidayat, S.Pd, M.Pd
2. Arlina Yuza, S.Pd, M.Pd
Natural Sciences (IPA) is a part of life. As the development of science and technology in living systems, the implementation of learning science must also experience development. Therefore, learning science in Indonesia through a curriculum that continues to evolve should lead to student-centered learning (Student Center). In different situations if scientists conduct various experiments to produce a theory, students conduct experiments to understand a theory or test an idea. Therefore, learning science in elementary schools should be directed to learning that meets the criteria, one of them is by applying inquiry learning. This type of research used in this research is the research and development (Research) method. research and development using the 3-D model, researchers will take three development steps, namely define, design, and develop.
Based on research conducted in class V SD Negeri 13 Lohong Pariaman obtained data from the module validity obtained from two expert lecturers. In addition to the validity data the researcher also obtained module practicality data obtained from the teacher and grade V students.
The results of the data obtained are then analyzed, the two data are validity data and practicality data. module validation which is considered validator in general is 86.91% with the Valid category. From the assessed aspects, the average percentage of content eligibility was 84.72%, language aspect and readability 82.5%, presentation aspect 82.5%, and graphic aspects 97.92%.
Furthermore, the researcher obtained the practicality score of the practicality test questionnaire from the teacher 90.11% with a very practical category, apart from the teacher the researcher obtained the practicality test questionnaire data from students with an average percentage of 94.30% the category was very practical.
Keywords: module based on science learning inquiry methods, valid and practic