The Effect of Guess the Word Model on Social Learning Outcomes of Students in Class V SDN 23 Marapalam, Padang
Executive Summary
Amalia, Mahdasari. 2019. The Effect of Guess the Word Model on Social Learning Outcomes of Students in Class V SDN 23 Marapalam, Padang. Thesis Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.
Supervisor: Dr. Muhammad Sahnan, M.Pd.
Ade Sri Madona S.Pd, M.Pd.
Social studies is one of the compulsory subjects given at the elementary school level. According to Susanto (2014: 6) "Social Sciences (IPS) is an integration of various branches of social sciences and humanities, namely: sociology, history, geography, economics, politics, law, and culture. Social science is formulated on the basis of reality and social phenomena that embody an interdisciplinary approach from these aspects and branches of science. " In general, teachers only use conventional learning. Conventional learning that is intended here is a learning model that is familiar and is often used by teachers in the learning process in class. To overcome these problems, researchers will use the word guessing model in social studies subjects in class V SDN 23 Marapalam. So researchers are interested in conducting experimental research with the title "The Effect of Guess Words Model Against Social Learning Outcomes of Students of Class V SDN 23 Marapalam, Padang City".
This type of research is an experimental study with the design of "Randomized Control Group Posttest Only Design". The independent variable in this study is the guesswork model while the dependent variable is the result of social studies learning. The population in this study were all students of class V SDN 23 Marapalam Padang in 2018/2019 academic year consisting of 2 classes. The sample in this study was 32 students in class V A and students in class V B were 33 students. The technique in taking a sample is by means of "Simple Random Sampling". The data taken in this study are cognitive learning outcomes of cognitive domain students obtained through the final test in an objective form.
The results showed the average value of the experimental class was higher than the control class (the experimental class the average value was 79.1 and the control class an average value of 72.4). In statistical tests the price of tcount> ttable (0.05; 65) (2.21> 1.998) with a level (α = 0.05) then the H1 hypothesis is accepted.
From these data it can be concluded that the guessing word learning model influences the learning outcomes of fifth grade students in social studies learning at SDN 23 Marapalam, Padang City. Thus the guessing model is expected to be used in the learning process to have a better influence on student learning outcomes.
Keywords: Keywords: Guess the Word, Social Studies, Learning Outcomes.