Aplication Of Two Stay Two Stray Learning Model In Science Learning Class V SDN 03 Pancung Soal
Executive Summary
Tanoto,Tameda. 2019. Aplication Of Two Stay Two Stray Learning Model In Science Learning Class V SDN 03 Pancung Soal. Primary School Teacher Education Thesis, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.
Advisors: : Dr. Hendra Hidayat, M. Pd.
Ira Rahmayuni Jusar, S.Si, M.Pd.
Education is an effort to develop a better quality person as desired. To reach this quality can be achieved through learning process. Susanto ( 2014:85). Stating that “ Edecatoin is an organized, planning, and ongoing effort throughout life to foster students to become full, mature and cultured human beings”.
The learning model is a plan or concept to help students in learning process and understand learning easily. By using models in learning, it will help to eliminate student’s boredom in receiving lessons. One way is to use the Two Stay Two Straymodel in learning science
This type of research method is an experimental. Sugiyono (2012:107) said that “experimental research can be interpreted as research method to look for differences in certain treatment under controlled of the conditions.
Populations are all the student of class V SDN 03 Pancung Soal, which consists of 2 classes. Class V A and class V B. Determination of the sample is done by total sampling. Determination of the control class is done randomly. The research instrument was carried out by observing students’ oral activity sheets, compiling questions , validity of questions, test problems item analysis of the observation sheet students verbal activity from 1st meeting to 4th obtained an average percentage for indicators of asking and answering questions, 76% for asking 72% for answering questions.
The results of the study showed that the average value of the experimental class was 77,67. While in the control class the average science score of class V students with the Two Stay Two Stray learning model is 58,33. With the statistical tets level is the tcount of 6.19 and the value of 1.71 at the significant level 0.975, it means that there are significant differences between student’s science learning outcomes using the Two Stay Two Stray model compared to the students using the conventional learning method in the from of lectures or questions and answers. The results of the researchers are the science learning outcomes of students using the Two Stay Two Stray learning model campared to the students using conventional learning methods in class V SDN 05 Pancung Soal.
Keywords: Two Stay Two Stray, Science Learning.