“the Enhancement of Interest and Learning Outcomes of 4rd Grade Students in Science Learning Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Models at SDN 17 Sapan, BatangKapasDistrict, Pesisir Selatan Regency”
Zikru Robby, 2019. “the Enhancement of Interest and Learning Outcomes of 4rd Grade Students in Science Learning Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Models at SDN 17 Sapan, BatangKapasDistrict, Pesisir Selatan Regency”
Pembimbing : 1. Dra. Gusmaweti, M.Si
2. Dra. ZulfaAmrina, M.Pd
Natural Sciences is a way of human effort in understanding the universe through the proper observation, and procedurely, and explained rationaly to get a conclusion. The rationale of this research is due to the results of observations made by researchers on December 3, 2018 in 4rd grade in SDN 17 Sapan, BatangKapas District in natural science learning. It is obtained that the teacher still teaching in front of the class using discourse Methode. The researcher also sees the teacher does not use the Problem Based Learning model in learning process where students are invited to observe, ask questions, gather information, associate, and communicate results. This unproper action leave the students feeling less interested in the subject matter presented by the teacher. The purpose of this study was to increase thestudents interest in learning science for 4rd grade students using the Problem Based Learning learning model at SDN 17 Sapan, BatangKapas District. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The independent variable in this study is the Problem Based Learning model while the dependent variable is the interest and learning outcomes of Natural Sciences. The population of this study was all students of grade IV SDN 17 Sapan, BatangKapas District in the 2018/2019 school year. A total of 20 students were selected as research subjects. The data analyzed in this study were the scores of cognitive science learning outcomes and student learning interest sheets
The result of this research shows that the outcomes of learning activity using Problem Based Learning model of the student is increased at SDN 17 Sapan, BatangKapas District. It can be seen from indicator score of students learning activity. The enhancement in student’s interest using Problem Based Learning was increased from 60% in cycle 1 to 92,81% in cycle II, and learning outcomes of Natural Science from 75,25 in Cycle 1 to 85 in cycle 2.
Based on the result of this research, it was concluded that Problem Based Learning Model, makes better improvement in students interest and learning outcomes better that using the convetional models for 4rd grade Science Student at SDN 17 Sapan, BatangKapas District.Due to this conclution, so the learning model of Problem Based Learning are required to apply in learning process to reach the goals of learning process specially on student interest and learning outcomes.
Keywords:Problem Based Learning, Interest to Learn, Science Learning Result