The Effect of Audio Visual Media Assisted Talking Stick Model on Student Learning Outcomes in Social Studies Learning in Class III SD N 35 Parak Karakah Padang
Social studies is one that is taught at all levels of education, one of which is elementary school level, with grade levels ranging from grade I to grade VI. Social studies learning aims to develop the potential of students to be sensitive to social problems that occur in the community, have a positive mental attitude towards the improvement of all inequalities that occur, and to be skilled in handling any problems that occur daily both those affecting themselves and those affecting the community. To achieve the objectives of social studies learning, the teacher must be creative in using innovative learning models and instructional media. The teacher is also required to be able to convey the material as interesting as possible, so students can easily understand the material.In general, teachers only use conventional learning such as lectures and assignments. The implementation of learning does not use audio visual learning media. The teacher only uses media in the form of print media such as those in textbooks in explaining the material so that there are some students who become passive in the learning process. In the implementation of the teacher never uses the talking stick model.
The solution that can overcome these problems is to use the talking stick model assisted by audio visual media in social studies learning of students in class III of SD Negeri 35 Parak Karakah Padang. Based on this, the researcher is interested in conducting research with the title "The Effect of Audio Visual Media Assisted Talking Stick Model in Social Studies Learning Class III SD 35 Parak Karakah, East Padang District".
This type of research is experimental research with a True-Experimental Design with a Posttest-Only Control Design pattern. The independent variable in this study is the Talking Stick Model aided by Audio Visual media in Social Sciences (IPS) learning, while the dependent variable is the learning outcomes of Social Sciences (IPS). The population in this study were all students of class III SD 35 Parak Karakah Padang in the 2018/2019 school year consisting of 2 classes. The sample in this study was class III A as many as 22 students and III B as many as 19 students. The technique in sampling is by simple random sampling. The data taken in this study are the cognitive learning outcomes of students in the cognitive domain obtained through the final test in an objective form.