Development of Minangkabau Culture Based Modules on Mathematics Learning Material for Flat Circumference and Wide Shape for Class IV Students at SD Negeri 27 Olo Padang
Pambudi, Rilo. 2019. Development of Minangkabau Culture Based Modules on Mathematics Learning Material for Flat Circumference and Wide Shape for Class IV Students at SD Negeri 27 Olo Padang. Minithesis of Elementary School Teacher Education, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Bung Hatta University.
Advisor : Dra. Zulfa Amrina, M.Pd
Rieke Alyusfitri, S.Si, M.Si
This study aims to produce Minangkabau Culture Based Modules on Mathematics Learning Material for Flat Circumference and Wide Shape for Class IV Students at SD Negeri 27 Olo Padang. This research was conducted because the culture in students began to disappear students need to be closer to culture, especially where they live. This certainly needs to be done so that unique and pre-existing cultures from ancient times can be well preserved so there is a need for learning resources that help students to get to know their culture by using the Minangkabau culture-based Module.
This type of research uses research or development (R&D) research. The subjects of trial in this study were the fifth grade students of SD N 27 Olo Padang totaling 19 people. The type of data in this study is primary data. Primary data in question is data obatained directly from lectures, teacher and students taken through questionnaires testing validity and practicality and giving test results to students. The primary data, namely (1) the validation score of the lecturer (2) the score of the questionnaire response by the the teacher and students (3) the results of student learning test.
Based on the validation result from 2 validators, Minangkabau culture based Modules that have been developed are in the very valid category with a percentage of 96%. Pratical results from teacher and students responses to Minangkabau culture based Modules are pratical with a persentage value of 87,5%. Based on the effectiveness test that has been implemented through cognitive learning outcomes students show good results with a class average of 81,57 and classical completeness of 89,47%.
From these data it can be concluded that Minangkabau culture based Modules developed gave proveen to be valid, practical and effective. So that this Minangkabau culture based Modules can be applied and used an alternative teaching material to tach circumference and wide shape.
Key Note : Module,Minangkabau culture based, Circumference and Wide Shape.