Development of Science Learning Media Based on Macromedia Flash on Material Properties of Light for Class Students IV Students at SDN 03 Padang Ganting
This research produced a product in the form of learning media for Natural Sciences (IPA) based on Macromedia Flash in 4th class at SDN 03 Padang Ganting Tanah Datar District. One of the problems facing our education world is the problem of the weak learning process. There is still a lot of learning so far dominated by teachers. The use of macromedia flash in the learning process can activate students so that learning is no longer centered only on the teacher. According to Salim et al (2011) Macromedia Flash is a future splash animator that makes it easy to make animations on a computer screen to display images visually and more interestingly.
This type of research used research development or Research and Development (R&D). The test subjects in this study were 11 students of SD N 03 Padang Ganting, Tanah Datar District. The type of data in this study is primary data. The Primary data are data obtained directly from lecturers, teachers, and students taken through the validity, practicality testing questionnaire. The primary data, are (1) Validation scores from media expert lecturers, (2) questionnaire scores by teacher responses, (3) questionnaire scores by student responses.
Based on the results of the validation of 2 validators, the Science Learning Media Based on Macromedia Flash which has been developed is in the valid category with the percentage of validity of learning media based on Macromedia Flash on the properties of light for 4th class elementary school which has been developed from the aspect of content eligibility stated very valid with a percentage of 90.90%, from the aspect of design or presentation declared valid with a percentage of 83.69%. From the two validations obtained an average result of 87.29% with valid criteria. The results of practicality from the response of teachers and students to the Learning Media Based on Macromedia Flash based Science is very practical with a percentage value of practicality of learning media based on macromedia flash on the Properties of Light for the fourth grade elementary school that has been developed is declared very practical by the teacher with a practicality percentage of 92.30%, and declared very practical by students with a practicality of 91.81%.
From these data it can be concluded that the Science Learning Media Based on Macromedia Flash that was developed proved to be valid and very practical. So that the Science Learning Media Based on Macromedia Flash can be applied and used as an alternative teaching material to teach the material Properties of Light.
Key Note: Science, Media, Macromedia Flash learning.