Development of Indonesian Language Modules Based Scientific for Class V Students of SDN 09 Airpura. Thesis Elementary School Teacher Education
Executive Summary
Sari, Suci Laras. 2019. Development of Indonesian Language Modules Based Scientific for Class V Students of SDN 09 Airpura. Thesis Elementary School Teacher Education, Teaching and Education Faculty, Bung Hatta University.
Advisor : 1. Dr. Hasnul Fikri, M.Pd
2. Hidayati Azkiya, S.Pd, M.Pd
Education is a very important thing for humans, with human education can develop the knowledge and skills he has in accordance with his talents and interests. One of the subjects that can achieve educational goals is the Indonesian subject that has been studied in elementary schools. Indonesian is a subject that can help students to learn other subjects such as Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Mathematics, and PKN. Therefore, to support Indonesian language learning a learning module is needed that is tailored to the scientific approach for fifth grade elementary school students. Susanto (2013: 245) said that the aim of learning Indonesian is so that students can enjoy literary works and also be able to make literary works to develop their knowledge. Therefore, to support the objectives of learning Indonesian, a learning module is needed that is tailored to the scientific approach for fifth grade elementary school students.
According to Lasmiyati (2014: 3), the module is a teaching material whose contents are concise and clear, made to achieve the learning objectives. The approach used in the module is a scientific approach, Daryanto (2014: 51) says that the scientific approach is a learning approach that provides opportunities for students to be more active in finding problems in the learning process. The scientific approach consists of 5 steps, namely observing, asking, gathering information, associating, and communicating. The material used as a module is advertising material, Caritas (2017: 3) says that advertising is a way to offer or promote a product in the form of goods or services. An advertisement is usually delivered on print media such as newspapers and can also be delivered on electronic media such as television and radio.
This type of research is research development or Research & Development, Sugiyono (2009: 297) said that development research is a study conducted by a researcher to make a product that can be used by those who need it, especially in the field of education and also carried out for test the effectiveness of the product that has been developed. In research development consists of four stages, namely the stage of defining, designing, developing, and distributing. The subjects of this study were 3 expert validators, fifth grade teachers at SDN 09 Airpura and fifth grade students at SDN 09 Airpura.
The results of the study show the following: First, the development process begins with observations at SDN 09 Airpura to find potential and problems, followed by collecting data and designing modules for fifth grade students at SDN 09 Airpura, then the module is validated by experts so that it can be trialled on a small scale with 6 students and a large scale with 17 students to find out the student's practicality and the teacher's practicality and the module's effectiveness. Second, the validation of three validators obtained 86% of the content eligibility aspects with a valid category, 96% language aspects with a very valid category, and 87% display aspects with a valid category. Third, the practicality of students in small-scale trials of 6 students get a percentage of 91% with a very practical category, practicality of students in large-scale trials of 17 students get a percentage of 91% which is also included in the category of very practical, and the practicality of teachers get a percentage of 90% with a very practical category. Fourth, the effectiveness of media on a small scale against 6 students with a percentage of 83% and the effectiveness on a large scale against 17 students with a percentage of 76% included in the effective category.
Based on the research results obtained, it can be concluded that the learning module developed has been valid, practical, and effective so that it can be used as a medium in learning Indonesian in advertising material in grade V elementary school.
Keyword: Indonesian Language, research, modules, validity, practicality and effectiveness.