The Effect of the Monopoly play Mathematic Learning Methode on Mathematic Outcomes of Grade V SDN 31 Pasar Ambacang, Kuranji Padang
Executive Summary
Bonit, Muhamad Aditio. 2019. The Effect of the Monopoly play Mathematic Learning Methode on Mathematic Outcomes of Grade V SDN 31 Pasar Ambacang, Kuranji Padang. Thesis Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.
Advisor : 1. Drs. Edrizon, M.Si.
2. Arlina Yuza, S.Pd, M.Pd.
This research is motivated by teachers who still use the lecture method while learning, this has an effect on student learning outcomes that are still low. Therefore learning is applied by using the Monopoly Play Mathematic learning methode in class V SDN 31 Pasar Ambacang, Kuranji Padang. This study aims to determine the effect of the Monopoly Play Mathematic learning methode on mathematic outcomes of Grade V students at SDN 31 Pasar Ambacang, Kuranji Padang.This type of research is an experimental research design "post-test-only control design". The population of this research is all students of class V SDN 31 Pasar Ambacang, Kuranji Padang and sample classes are students of class V-A as the experimental class and class V-B as the control class. The data taken in this study are mathematic score obtained through the final test in an objective and Essay. The independent variable in this study was the treatment given to the study sample, namely the influence of the Monopoly Play Mathematic methode on mathematic studies subjects in the experimental class and mathematic with the lecture method in the control class.
The results showed that the final test scores in the experimental class taught using the Monopoly Play Mathematic learning method were better than the control class using the lecture methode. This can be proven from the average value of the experimental class 72,23 and the control class 39,95. and based on the analysis of the T test obtained tcount 5,54 and ttable 2,017 this means that tcount> ttable, Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted.
From these data it can be concluded that using the Monopoly Play Mathematic learning methode affects student learning outcomes in the experimental class V-A class at SDN 31 Pasar Ambacang, Kuranji Padang.
Keywords: Experimental Research, Monopoly Play Mathematic , Learning Outcomes, Mathematic