Development of Guided Discovery-Based Mathematics Learning Module for Grade III Students of SDN 18 Kinali
This study aims to develop a guided discovery-based mathematics learningmodule for third grade students of SDN 18 which is valid, practical and effective.
This research was carried out because the teaching material or reading material in
the package book had little scope, so in terms of the delivery of the material it was
less to be understood by students. Therefore, there is a need for learning resources
that help facilitate students in understanding the subject matter by using the
learning module. According to Daryanto (2013:9), a module is a form of teaching
material that is packaged in a whole and systematic way, which contains a set of
learning experiences that are planned and designed to help students master
specific learning goals.
This type of research uses development (R&D). The research development
model is a 3D development model that consists of three stages through revisions
by experts / are define (design), design (design), and development (development).
Subjects tested in this study are students in grade III SDN 18 Kinali, amounting to
38 people. After learning activities using modules, the teacher and students fill out
the module practicality questionnaire.
The result of this study indicate that the mathematics learning module
based on guided discovery for grade III students of SDN 18 shows the valid
criteria by the validator with a percentage value of 87% and the practicality value
by the teacher and students by 92% with the module criteria produced with very
practical criteria, effectiveness test get a percentage of 82% with very good
criteria. From these data in can be concluded that the guided learning mathematics
module based on guided discovery for third grade students of SDN 18 is kinali, so
that this module produced is valid, practical and effective.
Keyboard: Learning Module, Mathematics, Guided Discovery