Development Of Science Learning Modules Based On Constructivism Approach To The Material Of The Earth’s Structure For Class V SDN 34 Air Pacah.
The purpose of this study is to describe (a) the validity of the science learning module is based on a constructivism approach to the material of the earth’s structure for class V SDN 34 Air Pacah ,(b) practicality of the science module based on constructivism approach on the material of the earth’s structure for class V SDN 34 Air Pacah. The theory used in this research is the theory of constructivism approach proposed by Nurhadi (2006). This research is research and development by using a 3-D model, which consists of three stages define, design and development. This research data generated a product in the form of a module based on a constructivism approach on the material of the earth’s structure for students in class V SDN 34 Air Pacah. The steps used in making modules based on the constructivism approach are: (1) actifating knowledge, (2) acquiring knowledge, (3) understanding knowledge, (4) applaying knowledge, (5) reflecting knowledge. Data analysis technique is: (1) data analysis of the validation results of the learning module, namely the analysis of all aspects presented in tabular form using a Likert scale, (2) analysis of the results of practicality modules, namely analysis of all aspects presented in tabular form using practicality values. The results of the study are: (1) the resulting modules are categorized very valid from material expert lecturers with an average of 3,50 in term of didactics, construction, engineering, whereas from design expert lecturers are categorized very valid with an average of 3,53 in terms of appearance and component modules. (2) the produced modules are also very practical by teachers with an average rating of 91% and are categorized very practical by students with an average of 92%. It can be concluded that the module based on constructivism approach on the material of the earth structure produced is very valid and very practical so that it can be used in learning in class V primary school.Keywords: Module, Constructivism, Validity, Practicality