Improvement of Learning Outcomes Using the Problem Solving Method in Social Studies Learning in Class IV SDN 28 Jorong Nan Tigo Pasisir Selatan
This research is motivated by the value of social studies learning outcomes of fourth grade students is still much below the KKM value of 75 and the learning methods used by social studies teachers are still teacher centered. The low student learning outcomes require teachers to improve the learning process, one way by applying the problem solving method. The purpose of this class action research is to describe the improvement of social studies learning outcomes by using the problem solving method in social studies lessons for fourth grade students of SDN 28 Jorong Nan Tigo, South Coastal District.
This type of research is classroom action research. The subjects of the study were grade IV students at SDN 28 Jorong Nan Tigo, Batang Kapas Subdistrict, Pesisir Selatan District with a total of 30 students. The data source in this study is primary data about the level of student success after the learning process. Data collection techniques used are objective tests, field notes and documentation. The research instruments used were teacher observation sheets, learning achievement tests and field notes. Analysis of the data used is the percentage and the average.
The results showed that an increase in student learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II, this can be seen from the average percentage of learning outcomes in the first cycle of 65.17 (with 40% completeness) to 80.65 (with 99% accuracy) at cycle II. The results of this study can be concluded that the use of problem solving methods can improve social studies learning outcomes of fourth grade students of SDN 28 Jorong Nan Tigo, Pesisir Selatan District. It is recommended that teachers use the method of problem solving in an effort to improve social studies learning outcomes of fourth grade studentds.
Keywords: Social Studies Learning Outcomes, Problem Solving Method