Development of Indonesian Language Learning Module Based on Inquiry for Class IV Students of SDN 34 Air Pacah Padang
This research is motivated by Civics learning that goes one way from teacher to student so that students only accept what the teacher explains and then copy the notes given by the teacher and the low student learning outcomes so that there are still many students who do not achieve the KKM value. Describe the validity of the inquiry-based Indonesian language on the theme 9 interview material for fourth grade students of SDN 34 Air Pacah Padang on theme 9 about valid and practical interviews developed.This study aims to develop a valid and practical inquiry-based Indonesian learning module on interview material for fourth grade students in elementary school. Development research is a process for developing a new and accountable product. This type of research is Research and Development. This inquiry-based Indonesian learning module was developed using three-D models. This research was conducted in the even semester of the 2018/2019 school year. Data collection is done by validation and trial modules that are developed. The module design that was designed was validated by three experts, then it was tested limitedly in class IV-B SDN 34 Air Pacah to find out the validity and practicality of the module being developed. From the results of the research conducted, it was concluded that the inquiry-based Indonesian learning module on theme 9 about interviews for fourth grade students in the elementary school was in the valid category with an average percentage of validity of 95.90%. Modules that have been developed are categorized as practical by teachers with an average percentage of practicality 89.16%, also categorized as practical according to students with an average percentage of practicality of 88.71%. It can be concluded that this inquiry-based Indonesian learning module can already be used and utilized by teachers in primary schools.
Keywords : Indonesian learning module inkuiri based, valid, and practical.