The Influence of the Student Facilitator and Explaining Model on the learning outcomes of Indonesian Language class V SDN 28 Pasar Gompong Kambang Pesisir Selatan
Learning is a process of behavior change in students because of the interaction between individuals and their environment through a process of experience and training where these changes occur as a whole which involves aspects of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. In the process of learning Indonesian language is carried out one way namely from teacher to student so students only accept what the teacher explains. It appears that during the learning process students are less active in learning. In the learning process the teacher uses the lecture method and does not use instructional media as a teaching aid in learning. When the teacher gives questions only some students respond and answer questions given by the teacher in the learning process. In the process of learning Indonesian at school, teachers should be able to organize conducive, meaningful and enjoyable Indonesian learning for students in learning. By using appropriate learning models in the learning process can help eliminate the boredom of students in accepting learning and students can be active in the learning process. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to look at the effect of the Student Facilitator and Explaining model on Indonesian learning outcomes viewed from the cognitive aspects of fifth grade students at SDN 28 Pasar Gompong Kambang Pesisir Selatan. Previous research has been conducted by Rabmaneli (2014). The theory used in this research is the theory of Shoimin (2014: 183) which states that the Student Facilitator and Explaining learning model is one of the learning that emphasizes the structure designed to influence the patterns of interaction of students and has the aim to improve mastery of the material. Furthermore, using the theory of Huda (2014: 228) which states that the Student Facilitator and Explaining model is a series of presentation of teaching material that begins with an open explanation, giving students the opportunity to explain back to their peers and end with the delivery of all material to students. Both theories are used as a reference in conducting research analysis.This type of research is experimental research with the design "Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design". The independent variables in this study are Student Facilitator and Explaining learning models and conventional learning models, while the dependent variable is the ability to read in Indonesian subjects. The population in this study were all fifth grade students of SDN 28 Pasar Gompong Kambang Pesisir Selatan in the 2018/2019 school year consisting of 2 classes. The sample in this study was 18 students in class V.A and 18 students in class V.B were 18 students. The technique in sampling is by using random sampling. The data taken in this study are the results of learning to read in Indonesian students cognitive domains obtained through the final test in an objective form. Based on data analysis and discussion of the results of the study showed the average value of the experimental class was higher than the control class (the experimental class an average value of 87.2 and the control class an average value of 77.3). In t-test, the price of tcount> ttable (5.75> 2.00) with a level (α = 0.05) then H1 hypothesis is accepted. Based on the explanation of these data, it can be concluded that the Student Facilitator and Explaining model influences the learning outcomes of Indonesian students in class V at SDN 28 Pasar Gompong Kambang Pesisir Selatan. Thus the Student Facilitator and Explaining learning model is expected to be used in the learning process to have a better influence on student learning outcomes. Based on the research results and conclusions suggested to (1) For teachers, this study is useful as a reference in improving student learning outcomes by using the Student Facilitator and Explaining learning models. (2) For students, this research helps improve student activity in thinking and also increases knowledge in understanding so that they can follow learning well in the learning process with the Student Facilitator and Explaining model. (3) Other researchers, this research can be continued to find out more about the effect of the Student Facilitator and Explaining model on Indonesian learning outcomes and other researchers' consideration in researching the Student Facilitator and Explaining model.