Improvement Of Students 'Scientific Results Using The Problem Solving Method In Class IV SD Negeri 14 Sintuk Toboh Gadang Padang Pariaman District


  • Gusmaweti Gusmaweti
  • Asrul Taher


Education is an effort to develop quality whole people as desired. Achievement of quality, among others, can be achieved through the learning process. Susanto (2014: 85). states "education is an organized, planned, and ongoing effort throughout life to foster students to become full, mature and cultured human beings". The researcher wants to describe how the use of problem solving methods to improve the learning outcomes of science students in grade IV SDN 14 Sintuk Toboh Gadang Padang Pariaman.
The research used was classroom action research (CAR) or action research. Student learning outcomes obtained through the end of the test cycle. In the first cycle the average percentage of students mastery learning reached 56, 5% (13 people) with an average value of 73, 26. While in cycle II the percentage of completeness of student learning outcomes reached 82, 6 % (19 people) with an average score of 81, 95. The research focuses on the application of problem solving methods in learning Natural Sciences Class IV SDN 14 Sintuk Toboh Gadang Padang Pariaman. CAR is used to solve practical problems and to improve the quality of learning practically. Data obtained in this study will be analyzed using qualitative data and quantitative data,
Student learning outcomes obtained through the end of the test cycle. In the first cycle the average percentage of students mastery learning reached 56, 5% (13 people) with an average value of 73, 26. While in cycle II the percentage of completeness of student learning outcomes reached 82, 6 % (19 people) with an average score of 81, 95. concluded that the classroom action research entitled "Improving Student Science Learning Outcomes Using Class IV Problem Solving Method 14 SDN 14 Sintuk Toboh Gadang, Padang Pariaman Regency. I average percentage of mastery learning students reached 56, 5% (13 people) with an average value of 73, 26. While in cycle II the percentage of mastery learning outcomes of students reached 82, 6% (19 people) with an average value of 81 , 95, obtained an average of 79.35,, the ability to lead groups) class IV students in the first cycle by obtaining an average of 77.2 increased in the second cycle 79, 35. 2 increased in the science cycle at SDN 14 Sintuk Toboh Gadang .
Keywords: improved problem solving methods


