The Development of Organizational Modules and Computer Architecture Based on Picture and Picture for Students of Informatics and Computer Engineering Education Study Program
In the implementation of organizational lectures and computer architecture in general students do not have teaching materials for a conducive learning process, especially for printed teaching materials. So the authors conducted a study with the title "Development of Organization and Architecture Module Based on Picture and Picture for Students of Informatics and Computer Engineering Education Study Program".
This study aims to produce a valid and practical Picture and Picture Computer Organization and Architecture Course Module for Computer Organization and Architecture courses. This type of research is research and development (R&D), with the steps of gathering potential and existing problems in the field, gathering information, product design. The trial was conducted at the Teacher Training and Education Science Study Program of Informatics and Computer Engineering Education with a total of 18 students of the class of 2018. After the product was designed, then the product was validated. This product was validated by 2 material expert validators with a result of 71.73% and a media expert validator with a result of 83.17%. After validation, a trial was carried out using a practicality questionnaire for students with 86.71% results. This research can be concluded that a valid and practical Computer Organization and Architecture course-based course has been produced so that it can help students in understanding Computer Organization and Architecture material
Keywords: Module, picture and picture, Student Response.