Library Information System Design Using Netbeans 8.1 in the University of Bung Hatta University Study Program


  • Andika Satria Guseda
  • Ashabul Khairi
  • Rini Widyastuti


This study aims to produce a Client-Server based library application in the Informatics and Computer Engineering Education study program. The design of this application uses the waterfall method where the design phase starts from the analysis, the design uses the modeling language Context Diagram, Data Flow Diagram (DFD), and Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). The coding stage uses a programming language based on Netbeans 8.0, namely Java and MySQL as a database. The testing process is done through validity testing by validators who are experts in library applications. The design phase ends with the testing program so that it produces a client-server based library application in the Informatics and Computer Engineering Education study program.

Keywords : Client-Server Based Library Application, PHP and MySQL


