"The Effect of the Planted Question Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes of Class III SDN 16 SurauGadang Padang". Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.


  • Reza . Wisdia
  • Muhammad . Sahnan
  • M. . Tamrin


Executive Summary

Wisdia, Reza. 2020. "The Effect of the Planted Question Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes of Class III SDN 16 SurauGadang Padang". Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.


Supervisor: 1. Dr. Muhammad Shanan, M. Pd

          2. M.tamrin, S.Ag, M. Pd


Ministry of National Education (2007: 484) explains that, "Social Science is an interdisciplinary approach to learning social sciences, history, geography, economics, political science, and so on. Based on these various opinions it can be concluded that Social Science is a study of human life as social beings interacting with their environment. The results of observations of SDN 16 SurauGadang students showed that the interaction of learning in the classroom was still relatively low and the teacher was still inclined to use the lecture method with the assignment method in social studies learning, then the learning process was still centered on the teacher, and the low active role in answering questions and understanding students towards social studies learning material so that the learning outcomes of class IIIb students are low. Based on the problems that have been described, the authors conducted a study with the title "The Effect of the Planted Question Learning Model on Learning Outcomes of IPS Students at SDN 16 SurauGadang Padang".

Based on the results of the study obtained an average value of experimental class students at 87.5 and control class students at 77.83 with = 3.369 and = 2.002. Because> then the hypothesis is accepted. Then it can be concluded that the Planted Question learning model influences the learning outcomes of Social Studies students of class III SDN 16 SurauGadang Padang.


Keywords: Social Studies Learning, Planted Question Learning, Learning Outcomes, Social Knowledge


