Development of E-Module Learning Based on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Operating Systems Courses.
Based on the results of observations and interviews obtained information that at this time students already have teaching materials in the form of printed books, but not yet based on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, there is still a lack of interest in students to study independently and there is no teaching material in the form of electronic modules (E- Module). This study aims to produce an STEM-based learning module on the operating system courses in the Computer and Informatics Engineering Education Study Program at Bung Hatta University. This development research uses ADDIE procedure, with the following steps: (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, (5) Evaluation (evaluation). Instrument of data analysis technique used descriptive analysis using validation sheets and practicality questionnaires. The feasibility testing phase of the E-Module is carried out by means of product validation by two experts, namely the design expert and the content expert. The validity value of the product with a very valid category is 92.44% while to test the practicality of the product, a trial was conducted on 17 students with practicality analysis results was 81.70% in the practical category. Based on the results that have been obtained, it can be concluded that the STEM-based learning module developed can be used in the learning process of lectures and this future module is expected to be accessible online.
Keywords: E-Module, STEM, Cooperative Learning