The Role of the Padang City National Narcotics Agency in the Prevention of Drug Abuse for Adolescents. Bung Hatta University


  • Ilham Wahyudi
  • . Yusrizal
  • Bambang Trisno


This research is motivated by the rampant drug abuse among adolescents, this study aims to describe the dissemination of information, advocacy and obstacles, this type of qualitative research that can provide a factual description of the role of the National Narcotics Agency in Padang, the instruments used are observation, interviews and documentation to obtain data qualitatively. The results of this study indicate that the National Narcotics Agency of the City of Padang has carried out the implementation of prevention of drug abuse for adolescents, this task and function is carried out by the section on prevention and community empowerment through the annual P4GN program with information dissemination and advocacy activities, in the form of counseling about the dangers of drugs in the form of outreach to the community, schools and create a Task Force in the community to convey the dangers of drugs and oversee the drug trafficking that occurred in the community. From the results of the research, information dissemination and advocacy have been carried out, but in carrying out these activities the National Narcotics Agency of the City of Padang has encountered few obstacles in terms of lack of ability from members, does not yet have a complete structure and the community's lack of enthusiasm in preventing drug abuse

Keywords: District / City National Narcotics Agency, Dissemination and Advocacy, Drug Abuse


