Application of Project Based Learning (PjBL) Learning Model on Material of Heat Influence on Life in Class V of SD Negeri 62/III Mukai Mudik Regency of Kerinci


  • Chindy Yuginta Wanti Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Erman Har Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Siska Angreni Universitas Bung Hatta


This study aims to describe the learning outcomes of Class V science learning using the Project Based Learning learning model at SDN 62 / III Mukai Mudik Kerinci Regency . Pe nelitian is dilaksa nakan because teachers rarely conduct experiments, students are given a theoretical material without accompanied by pratikum . So the learning carried out by the teacher causes boredom . Bored learning results in learning outcomes not reaching the KKM. Therefore, the need for learning model that can encourage students to actively engage d natural learning process by using a model of learning Project Based Learning . According to Sari, RT, & Angreni, S (2018) Project Based Learning (PPA) is "The learning process that directly involves students un tuk produce a project".


              This type of research is experimental research. The population of this study were all VA class students totaling 21 people and class VB students totaling 14 people at SDN 62 / III Mukai Mudik Regency of Kerinci  Sampling was done using Purposive Sampling techniques Data were analyzed by t test at the level of α = 0 , 05 . The data taken in this study is the score of cognitive domain science learning outcomes obtained through the final test in an objective form.


The results showed that the average value of the final test experimental classes (8 5 , 72 ) is higher than in the control group ( 61.2). In the Control class there are -0.1217 <0.190 and in the experimental class there are -0.16 2 1 <0.2 3 4 so that it can be concluded that the two sample classes are normally distributed. And from the homogeneity test calculation results obtained F count <F table  or 1 , 48 < 2.57 ,means the data group has homogeneous variance. Based on the price of hypothesis testing t arithmetic ≥ t table ie 6.53> 2.0462 with a = 0.05 , then H received and H is rejected. 


From the research data it can be concluded that there is an effect of the application of the Project Based Learning learning model to the learning outcomes of the fifth grade students of SDN 62 / III Mukai Mudik Regency of Kerinci. For this reason it is suggested to the teacher to be able to apply the Project Based Learning learning model in the Learning process. 


Keywords: Project Based Learning Model , Science Learning Outcomes


