Application of the Cooperative Learning Model Type Team Assisted Individualization on Mathematics Learning Outcomes students of Class V SD N 34 Air Pacah.


  • HALIMAH TUSA DIAH Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Zulfa Amrina Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Arlina Yuza Universitas Bung Hatta


Education is one of the means to develop students' self potentials and skills through the learning process as a provision for themselves in living the life of society, nation and state. According to Susanto (2014: 185), "Mathematics is one of the disciplines that can improve thinking and argumentative abilities, contribute to solving everyday problems and in the world of work, and provide support in the development of science and technology". In general, most students pay less attention to the teacher when the lesson is explained due to the use of methods that are less interesting and varied, where the teacher tends to use the lecture method. Based on the problems that have been stated above, the researcher conducts research with the title: "Application of Cooperative Learning Models of Team Assisted Individualization Type in Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Class V SD N 34 Air Pacah". This type of research is an experiment with a Posttest Only Control Design research design. The population of this research is all classes V.A and V.B with Class V.A as many as 28 people as experimental class V.B as many as 27 people as control class. The data taken in this study are learning outcomes obtained through the final test in an objective form. Based on the final test it was found that the experimental class learning outcomes were 85.71 and for the control class 75.85. With the t-test α = 0.95, obtained tcount = 3.99 and ttable = 1.70 this means, tcount> ttable. Thus it can be concluded that learning mathematics class V SDN 34 Pacah water that applies a cooperative model type Team Assisted Individualization is better than learning outcomes that apply conventional learning models. For this reason, it is recommended that teachers apply the Team Assisted Individualization type of cooperative model in the learning process. Keywords: Cooperative learning, Team Assisted Individualization type, mathematics learning.


