Development of Contextual Based Mathematics Learning Modules for Student in Class V SD N 03 Simpang Rumbio Solok City


  • Intan Sari R Putri Universitas Bung Hatta
  • ira Rahmayuni Jusar Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Daswarman Daswarman Universitas Bung Hatta


This study aims to develop a contextual based Mathematics learning module on the addition and subtraction fraction material for students of class VB SD N 03 Simpang Rumbio Solok City that is valid, and practical. Seen in the learning process, the teacher only uses the lecture method which causes the learning to only be centered on the teacher. Besides teaching material used is in the form of Student Worksheets (LKS) and printed books. Daryanto (2013: 9), said that "the module is a form of teaching material that is packaged in a whole and systematic way, in which contains a set of learning experiences that are planned and designed to help students in mastering specific learning goals". This Research and Development Design involves several development processes namely valid, practical from the modules developed. The instrument of this study was the validity and questionnaire sheets. Validity test is based on questionnaire validator 1 as a media expert and questionnaire validator 2 as a material expert. Practicality test is based on the questionnaire of teacher and student practicality. Based on the development of module trial data that has been carried out, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) Contextual-based Mathematics learning module on the addition and subtraction fraction material for grade V elementary school that has been developed is declared valid with an average percentage of validity of 85.77%. (2) Contextual-based Mathematics learning modules on the addition and subtraction fraction material for grade V elementary schools that have been developed are declared practical with an average percentage of practicality of 87% by teachers and 87.99% by students. The results of the validity and practicality analysis show that the Mathematics Learning Module of Addition and Subtraction of Different Disorders in Class V SDN 03 Simpang Rumbio is valid, and practical for use by teachers and students as teaching material in class V of elemantry schools. Keywords: Mathematics Module, Contextual


