The Effect of Two Stay Two Stray Learning Model on Social Studies Learning Outcomes of Grade IV SD Negeri 03 Bungo Tanjung


  • Rusmelawati Rusmelawati Universitas Bung Hatta
  • muhammad Shanan Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Ade Sri Madona Universitas Bung Hatta


Social Sciences is a human effort in understanding social science through proper observation of the target, and using procedures, and explained with reasoning so as to get a conclusion. This research is motivated because based on the results of observations made by researchers on February 11, 2019 in class IV SDN 03 Bungo Tanjung, in social studies learning, obtained a picture that the teacher is still delivering the subject matter with the lecture method in front of the class. Researchers also see teachers not using the Two Stay Two Stray model in learning where students are invited to observe, ask questions, gather information, associate, and communicate results. This results in students feeling less interested in the subject matter presented by the teacher. The purpose of this study was to increase social studies interest in fourth grade students using the Two Stay Two Stray learning model at SDN 03 Bungo Tanjung. This type of research is Experimental Research. The independent variable in this study is the Two Stay Two Stray learning model while the dependent variable is social studies interest and learning outcomes. The population of this research is all grade IV students of SDN 03 Bungo Tanjung in 2019/2020 school year. A total of 24 students were selected as research subjects.
This type of research is a Posttest-Only Control Design experimental research. The results of the study indicate that there is an Effect of Two Stay Two Stray Learning Model Against Social Learning Outcomes of Class IV Students of SDN 03 Bungo Tanjung. The average student learning outcomes in the experimental class amounted to 80.63 in the control class 74.25 with the hypothesis test level obtained tcount> ttable where 4.92> 2.018 thus the H1 work hypothesis was accepted, as evidenced by the significant level (a) = This 0.05 means that there are significant differences in student learning outcomes using the Two Stay Two Stray learning model on student learning outcomes in social studies subjects for grade IV SDN 03 Bungo Tanjung. it can be concluded that the learning model The Effect of the Two Stay Two Stray Learning Model Against the Social Studies Learning outcomes of Class IV SDN 03 Bungo Tanjung.
Key words: Two Stay Two Staray, social studies learning outcomes, and experiments


