Development of Learning Tools (RPP K13) Science Using Inquiry Approach in Class V Ecosystem SDN 16 Surau Gadang


  • Yayang Putri Okvarila Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Hendra Hidayat Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Enjoni Enjoni Universitas Bung Hatta


This study aims to develop the K13 lesson plan for science learning using an inquiry approach to the class V Ecosystem SDN 16 Surau Gadang which is valid, and practical. Seen in the learning process, the teacher only uses the lecture method which causes the learning to only be centered on the teacher. Besides the lack of active students in the learning process. Kunandar (2010: 371), said that "Learning implementation plan (RPP) is a plan that describes the procedure and organization of learning to achieve one basic competency set in the content standard and outlined in the syllabus". Research and Development involves several development processes, namely valid, practical from the K13 lesson plan that was developed. The instrument of this study was the validity and questionnaire sheets. Validity test is based on questionnaire validator 1 as a K13 RPP expert and validator 2 as a material expert questionnaire. Practicality test is based on the questionnaire of teacher and student practicality. Based on the development of the K13 RPP trial data that has been conducted, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) The results of the validity of the K13 RPP material that has been developed are stated to be very valid with a validity of 0.94. The results of the validity of the K13 RPP by experts with a validity of 0.93 are very valid (2) the results of the practicality of the K13 RPP by the teacher are stated to be very practical in product trials with a practicality of 0.91. The results of the practicality of RPP K13 by students in small-scale tests with an average of 0.84 practicality stated very practical. Practicality results assessed by students are carried out by large-scale tests. In a large scale test it was declared very practical with an average practicality of 0.85. The results of the validity and practicality analysis show that the development of learning tools (RPP K13) of Natural Sciences uses an inquiry approach to the ecosystem class V SDN 16 Surau Gadang valid, and is practical for use by teachers and students as learning plans in class V SD.
Keywords: RPP K13 IPA, Inquiry


