News Discourse on Info Sumbar Instagram Account


  • Ayu Septriandini
  • . Marsis
  • . Syofiani


The tendency of the actor's appearance patterns in the news discourse contained in Info Sumbar on Instagram accounts which will later be divided into two parts, namely, the inclusion section and the exclusion section. In the inclusion section social actors are displayed in the text independently, while in the exclusion section social actors are not involved in a process of conversation. Next will be seen the tendency of the actor's appearance patterns in the news discourse to be analyzed in the form of inclusions and exclusions consisting of several parts. The news obtained in Info Sumbar Instagram account will see the relationship between the actor's appearance patterns in the news discourse obtained in Info Sumbar Instagram account. This study aims to describe the news discourse on Info Sumbar Instagram social media account. Previously there have been studies that have examined the news discourse and instagram objects but on different accounts.

The theory used in this study is the theory put forward by Leeuwen (Dalam Badara, 2012: 38). Where in the theory described 2 approaches namely, the exclusion approach and the inclusion approach. The exclusion approach is an approach that does not include actors in the news. So if the actor is included, a new problem will arise. While the inclusion approach is an approach that includes actors in the news.

This type of research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. The data source in this research is Info Sumbar Instagram account. Data collection techniques are done by: (1) looking for news that comes in Info Sumbar Instagram account, (2) collecting news by screenshot on the Info Sumbar Instagram account, (3) carefully reading the data that has been collected, (4) entering and grouping data by using a data collection format. Data analysis techniques are done by: (1) grouping data based on the theory of discourse analysis in the inclusion and exclusion sections, (2) describing data based on the discourse analysis model of inclusion and exclusion sections, (3) interpreting the description based on the discourse analysis model, (4) concluding overall data analysis results. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion found 199 data, consisting of 30 news. In the exclusion section there were 72 data, while in the inclusion section there were 127 data. Overall, it can be concluded that inclusion and exclusion are the processes of income and expenditure on news used in discourse analysis. The inclusion of actors such as officials, teachers, and others means that these actors are included and involved in the news because they contain the positive side. Meanwhile, the issuance of actors means that the actors that are present in the event are not included in the news or hidden to not cause new problems. However, on Info Sumbar Instagram account, not all of which contain exclusions and inclusions in the news.

Based on the conclusions formulated, suggestions can be made as follows: (1) for students, it is hoped that it can be used as a source in learning news writing and able to apply it from daily life, (2) for Indonesian Language teachers, it is expected to be used as teaching material in particular news texts and how to interpret news sources, (3) for other researchers, are expected to be used as a reference and can be used as reference material for further research that is relevant to this research with different aspects.


