Mixing the Code in the Learning Process at 12 Public High Schools in Padang, Kelurahan Gurun Laweh, Nanggalo District, Padang City


  • Azzahra Isni Fatma
  • . Syofiani
  • Romi Isnanda


Language is one of the communication tools used by humans. With language, humans can convey and express themselves or their desires. One of the roles of language, functions as an expression of one's character values, because of the language spoken, can be judged personally. Thus, in determining one's choice of words in accordance with life in society. The theory used is the code mix theory proposed by Nursaid (2002: 114), that code mixing is the substitution of two or more languages, two or more varieties, two or more dialects that occur in one utterance. The change occurred not because of the situation or function and needs, but rather by several factors to increase the position or degree or prestige of the speaker.

This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. The object of research is the teachers and students of class XI-IPA4 of SMA 12 Padang. Data collection was carried out by direct observation technique by observing the speech of teachers and students of class XI-IPA4 of SMA Negeri 12 Padang. To conclude the data used recording techniques. Research instruments in the form of tools needed or used to collect data. In this study the research instrument was the researcher himself and assisted with tools such as cell phones, tables and data recording tools.

Based on the results of data analysis found 37 data conversation speech between teachers and 12 high school students in Padang. The direction of code mixing found in this research is the direction of code mixing in, namely from Indonesian to Minangkabau while no exit code mixing was found. In addition, teachers and students generally come from Minangkabau culture so that it does not rule out outside influences. The position of the 12th Padang High School is located on the edge of the city. As for the speech conversations teachers and students cause the occurrence of code mixing, namely the identification of roles, identification of variations, and identification of desires to explain and interpret the reasoning of the speakers inserting elements of regional languages in their speech because they are provoked by opponents. In addition, the communication between the teacher and students when communicating in the learning process is easy to understand.

Based on the conclusions suggested to (1) teachers and prospective teachers it is hoped that the results of this study can be used as input and add knowledge in the field of sociolinguistics, so as to create conducive learning. (2) students can use good and correct Indonesian language in communication (3) other researchers, as a comparison material to continue research with different aspects.


