Sumbang Duo Baleh in Limpapeh’s Novel By A.R Rizal a contemplation of literarary Sosiology


  • Yolanda Pratami Putri
  • . Syofiani
  • Romi Isnanda


One of literary work that tell a lot about violation of rule for Minangkabau Woman that has officially printed on sumbang duo baleh. This novel,Limpapeh written by AR Rizal. Word, Limpapeh is an expression which describe The eye of Minangkabau woman that reside in Rumah gadang. Limpapeh is in Minangkabau Languange mean, ramo-ramo that perch on wooden houses as a habit, especially Minangkabau wooden houses that occupied by the oldest lady in Minangkabau Ethnic society. This research purpose is to describe sumbang duo baleh that contain in Limpapeh Novel. Previously, there are some reseacher that already analysed about sumbang duo baleh and novel object, Limpapeh they are Sofia, Yolla Adrian (2017) and Astuti, Fuji (2016). Theory that applied in this research is sumbang duo baleh that stated by Ibrahim (2017) sumbang, according to Minangkabau custom is an attitude and behaviour that is not suitable with adat ethics. Wrong-doing, according to Minangkabau custom is violations committed consciously or unconsciously against the norms and regulations that apply. For example, taking something that is not our right. Definition of sumbang wrong-doing (sumbang duo baleh) is a behavior that shows a violation of customs ethics, and Minangkabau custom establish 12 sumbang as follows and literary sociology proposed by Herabudi. According to Herabudin (2015: 18) sociology is a knowledge appear from observations and human scientific thinking on shared life. This scientific thought attempted to penetrate into the background of visible phenomena, look for cause and effect and place in a larger relationship, which in general cannot be observed.


This type of research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. Data collection techniques used in this study are as follows: (1) reading and understanding Limpapeh's novel by AR Rizal, (2) take notes and marking the research objects found, (3) grouping sumbang duo baleh issues on female characters in Limpapeh's novel AR Rizal based on theory, (4) copy the data into a table. The data analysis techniques in the research are (1.) identifying the data that has been found, (2) describing data related to the research problem, (3) drawing conclusions from the results of the analysis, and based on the results of data analysis, found 7 sumbang that are(1) sumbang bakato such as the attitude of the character Nina who often uses language that is not polite to Mandeh, (2) sumbang mancaliak like the character of Mandeh who often looks at someone with a fierce look when he is emotional. (3) sumbang karajo like Mandeh figures who do heavy work and is usually done by men, (4) sumbang tanyo like Mandeh characters who often ask questions that are out of place and offend others, (5) sumbang jawek like Mia characters who answers Mandeh's question without thinking first, does it not offend Mandeh or not, (6) sumbang bagaua like the character of Lena who often travels with non-muhrim members of the opposite sex, (7) sumbang kurenah like the character of Eti who often curses Zumarni in public and became a spectacle for the surrounding community. If it is associated with social issues, the female characters in this novel will be ostracized and viewed badly by the community. Thus the conclusion of this study is that the female figures in Limpapeh's novel show the figure of women today who do not understand sumbang duo baleh.

Based on these data conclusions, it is recommended to (1) Students, not to imitate the sumbang behavior found in female figures, especially in the novel by A.R Rizal Limpapeh. And understand the sumbang duo baleh so that it can be applied in social life. (2) Educators and students, the results of this study can be a reference in learning in the classroom given by the teacher to students. In addition, it also adds insight and understanding in acting for both teachers and students. (3) Other researchers, research can be used as a basis for conducting similar research with the same object but different problems because this research focuses on sumbang duo baleh in the novel Limpapeh by A.R Rizal. Other researchers can also examine the role of Minangkabau women in A. R Rizal's novel Limpapeh.


