Development of Worksheet Students Based on Discovered Discovery in Learning Mathematics of Related Materials and Broadwear Flat Building for Class IV Students at Elementary School Negeri 03 Pelangai Gadang District Pesisir Selatan


  • Putri Azizcha Zandra Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Arlina Yuza Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Daswarman Daswarman Universitas Bung Hatta


According to Kurniawan (2015: 4), mathematics learning is a branch of exact and organized science, knowledge of calculation numbers, science of logical reasoning, knowledge of quantitative facts and problems of space and form, knowledge of strict rules, and knowledge of logical structures. Teachers in learning only use books and have not used the Student Worksheet (LKPD). The unavailability of LKPD in learning results in the learning resources used not facilitating the ability of students, so learning is only in accordance with the learning concepts contained in the book and is only focused on what is conveyed by the teacher. To overcome these problems researchers are interested in developing Guided Discovery-Based LKPD. Based on this, the researchers conducted a research development under the title "Development of Student Worksheets Based on Guided Findings in Mathematics Learning of Wandering and Flat Building Materials for Class IV Students of State Elementary School 03 Pelangai Gadang, Pesisir Selatan Regency."
The device development model as suggested by Thiagrajan, Semmel, and Semmel (in Trianto: 189) is a 4-D model. This model consists of 4 stages of development, namely definition, design, develop, and evaluation. The research instrument uses validity, practicality and effectiveness sheets. At the validation stage, the aspects observed are didactic aspects, content, language and appearance. To test each aspect of validity, use the opinions of experts. The Practicality Test is carried out after the module has been validated and is feasible to be trialled with the aim of knowing the practical level of LKPD based on guided findings in mathematics learning for fourth grade elementary school students conducted by one teacher and 25 students, while in effectiveness using 10 post test questions.
The results showed an average value of 93% validity with very valid criteria, an average value of practicality 92.5% by teachers and 92.6% by students with very practical criteria and effectiveness scores seen in student learning outcomes, where the classical completeness was 88%.
From these data it was concluded that the development of LKPD based on guided discovery in mathematics learning for fourth grade elementary school students was very valid, practical and effective in learning mathematics in fourth grade elementary school.
Keywords: Student Worksheets, Learning Math, Guided Discovery


