“Development Of Learning Media Set Of SpecialCyclopedia In Learning English In Class SDN13 Surau Gadang Kecamatan Nanggalo Padang City”. Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University


  • Miranda . .
  • Wirnita . .
  • Hidayati . Azkiya


Executive Summary

Miranda. 2020. “Development Of Learning Media Set Of SpecialCyclopedia In Learning English In Class SDN13 Surau Gadang Kecamatan Nanggalo Padang City”. Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.

Supervisor: 1. Dr. Wirnita, S.Pd., MM

2. HidayatiAzkiya, S.Pd., M.Pd

According to Sitepu (2017: 71) Indonesian is most widely used in communication learning because Indonesian is able to translate one's thoughts to others. Ideas, information or opinions, both concrete and abstract, are not just about things or events that are happening now, but in the past and the future. Thanks to language skills, we can learn science, become civilized and cultured human beings, and can predict what will happen in the years to come. Generally the teacher still uses the theme books provided at school, the theme books used are still informative and less fun which makes students tired of reading books especially when the Indonesian language material. To overcome these problems, researchers are interested in developing learning media for Indonesian Encyclopedia Books. Based on this, the researchers conducted research "development with the title" Development of Encyclopedia Book Media on Indonesian Language Learning in class V SDN 13 Surau Gadang Nanggalo District Padang City.

This type of research is development research with the type of research to be carried out is development research. Tegeh (2015: 209) The development model used in this development is the ADDIE Model which is one of the systematic learning design models. This model consists of five steps, namely: (1) analysis (analyze), (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, and (5) evaluation (evaluation). To test three aspects of validity, expert opinions can be used. Practicality Test is carried out after the module is validated and feasible to be tested with the aim of knowing the level of practicality of learning media Encyclopedia V grade elementary school conducted by one teacher and 28 students, while in effectiveness using pre-test and post-test questions as many as 15 questions.

The results showed an average value of 91.3% validity with very valid criteria, an average value of practicality of 78.3% with practical criteria and a difference in the value of effectiveness in the form of pre-test and post-test 710, with high criteria.

From these data it was concluded that the development of the Encyclopedia Book learning media was very valid, practical and effective in learning Indonesian in class V of primary schools.

Keywords: Media, Indonesian Language Learning, encyclopedia


