. "Development Of Index Card Match Game Media For IPA Lessons In Class V SD Negeri 42 Kambang Harapan District Pesisir Selatan.” Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.


  • Hendra . Hidayat
  • Siska . Angreni


Executive Summary

Junita, Fadila Syafriska. 2020. "Development Of Index Card Match Game Media For IPA Lessons In Class V SD Negeri 42 Kambang Harapan District Pesisir Selatan.” Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.


Supervisor: 1. Dr. Hendra Hidayat, M.Pd

            2. Siska Angreni, S.Pd., M.Pd

Generally teachers only refer to the textbooks or student manuals provided by the library. In addition, teachers do not use media in learning because learning media are not yet available in schools. As well as how is the validity of the index card game media match in science subjects in class V Theme 5 Ecosystem Subtheme 1 Ecosystem Components ?. To overcome these problems researchers are interested in developing learning media that can summarize the material in the form of index card match games. index card match is a media in the form of a pair of card games which is done by matching cards with pairs of cards in establishing students' knowledge of the material being studied. The benefits for students can improve students' understanding of science learning so that learning outcomes increase.

This type of research is development research with the type of research to be conducted is Research and Development (R&D). According to Sari (2017) that "this research uses the ADDIE model which is modified into ADDI, namely analysis, design, development and implementation. The research instrument uses the validity and practicality sheets. In the validation stage, it uses two validities, namely media and material validity. To test the two validities can be used opinions of experts. Test the practice of index media match media games on natural science subjects in class V SD 42 Kambang Harapan conducted by one teacher and 20 students. Previously tested in the form of small-scale trials in class VI 42 Kambang Harapan Elementary School, conducted by one teacher and 10 students.

The results meet valid criteria with an average value of 0.78 by media experts, criteria are very valid with an average value of 0.83 by material experts, very practical criteria with an average value of 0.92 by teachers and also very practical criteria with an average value of 0.90 by students.

Based on research that has been done so the results of the study meet the valid criteria with an average value of 0.78 by media experts, the criteria are very valid with an average value of 0.83 by material experts, very practical criteria with an average value of 0.92 by the teacher and also very pratical criteria with an a average value of 0.90 by students.

Keywords: Media, Index Card Match, Science Lessons


