"The development of Puzzle game Media in the Science learning IPA Class V Elementary School 32 KayuKalek". Thesis Teacher Education Elementary School, Faculty of Teaching and Education science, University of Dude Hatta.


  • Fatria Desrita
  • Hendra . Hidayat
  • Daswarman Daswarman



Executive Summary

Desrita, Fatria. 2020. "The development of Puzzle game Media in the Science learning IPA Class V Elementary School 32 KayuKalek". Thesis Teacher Education Elementary School, Faculty of Teaching and Education science, University of Dude Hatta.


Pembimbing: 1. Dr. Hendra Hidayat, M.Pd

                        2. Daswarman, S.T., M.Pd


               Learning can be interpreted as a process by an individual to obtain a change of new behavior in its entirety, as a result of the individual's own experience in interacting with its environment (Rusman 2011:7). Today's reality, there are still many teachers while teaching has not used learning media that can support the learning process of teaching that helps students to understand the material. Therefore, teachers should have sufficient knowledge and understanding of learning media because learning media is a means of communication to further streamline the learning process. Based on the observation that has been done, the researcher has a strong desire to produce the development product, under the title "Development of Puzzle game Media in the study of IPA class V Elementary School 32 Kayu Kalek".                To fulfill research objectives, this research is designed using research and Development (R&D). Sugiyono (2012:407) states "Development Research and development (R&D) method is a research method used to produce a specific product and in the effectiveness test of the product". The data collection techniques in this study include a questionnaire. Angket (questionnaire) is a technique of collecting data done by giving a set of questions or written questions to the respondent to the answer (Sugiyono, 2019:199). This research uses poll (questionnaire) directly with the answer check list.                Kevalidan the Media puzzle game that has been developed from the design aspect is stated to be valid with a general average value of 0.78. While the material aspect is considered very valid with a general average value of 0.94. The practical Media puzzle game by the teacher is stated to be very practical with a general average value of 0.92. The practical Media puzzle game by students is stated to be very practical with the general value of 0.87.


Keywords: development, Puzzle game Media, Valid, practical


