Cocial Conflicts in the Kidung Rindu Novel in Tapal Batas by Aguk Irawan MN


  • Fadhil Yulanda
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Yetty Morelent


This research examines cocial conflict in the Kidung Rindu in Tapal Batas Novel by Aguk Irawan MN. Humans as social creatures can not live alone certainly need other people and always interact in their environment. Humans as individual creatures, must be responsible for themselves. The social conflicts that occur in this novel can be seen from the interpersonal and intergroup conflicts. In general, conflicts occur because of differences (opinions, ideology, culture, etc.) in the community which then cause problems and no agreement has yet been found in resolving these problems. Conflicts can also occur in Indonesia's land border areas both in Kalimantan and in Papua. This is what causes social conflict in the novel Kidung Rindu in Tapal Batas by Aguk Irawan's work which is interesting to study because it is related to conflicts in the border area.


Muhardi and Hasanudin WS (2006: 5) stated the novel is a narrative work by relying on the power of imagination in its creation process. In general, according to Nurgiyantoro (2010: 22-23), the element of novel construction is based on intrinsic and extrinsic elements. The intrinsic and extrinsic elements of a literary work cannot be separated simply because the two influence each other. The intrinsic element of a literary work consists of themes, plots, settings, characterizations, points of view, language style, and the mandate contained therein. The extrinsic element of a literary work consists of the subjectivity of the individual author, the psychology of the author and the environment of the author. In sociology, conflict is defined as a social process between two or more people who try to get rid of another party by destroying or rendering them helpless. According to Ahmadi forms of social conflict are divided into: (1) interindividual conflict (2) interindividual conflict (3) conflict between social groups. According to Dahrendrot (in Ahmadi, 2007: 294) there are forms of social conflict, namely: (a) conflict between the roles of socia (b) conflicts between social groups (c) conflicts between groups and (d) conflicts between national unions. Furthermore Ahmadi (2007: 287) states that the factors that are the root causes of social conflict, among others; (a) role ambiguitation; (b) competition in obtaining something of high value; (c) interdependence / interdependence of duties; (d) communication barriers; (e) conflicts that were not previously clearly addressed; (f) differences in individual perceptions and (g) differences in personality, needs, values, norms, interests, and goals, the solution of cocial conflict consist of (1) elimination, i.e. resignation of one of the parties involved in the way of resolving conflicts, subjugation or domination means that the largest person or party can force another person or party to obey the rule meaning the majority of votes determined by voting, will determine the decision, without considering arguments, (4) minority conset means the majority group wins, but the majority group does not feel defeated and accepts the decision and agrees to carry out joint activities, (5) compromise means that the two or all sub-groups involved in the conflict try to find and find a middle ground, (6) Integration it means that opposing opinions are discussed, considered and reviewed until the group reaches a decision that is satisfying for all parties.


The relevant research was examined by Mardiza Syafitri (2018) title " Konflik Sosial dalam Novel Mahar Cinta Gandoriah karya Mardhiyan Novita M.Z”. The social conflict described in this novel is related to the personalities of characters who do not fit into people's lives. Furthermore Hotmasari (2013) with the research title " Konflik Sosial dalam Novel Tanah Tabu karya Anindita S”. Hotmasari concluded that social conflicts in the novel can occur in individuals with family environments and individuals with community environments.


Research methods using qualitative research According to Ratna (2015: 47), qualitative research is research that allows the nature of values in which the object of research is not substantive social phenomena, but the meanings contained in actions, which actually cause these social phenomena. Moleong (2010: 121), states that the research instrument is planning in conducting research. Research instruments are needed to support operational steps of research, especially those related to data collection techniques. The instrument in this study was the researcher himself. Data collection techniques used in this study were descriptive techniques by means of library studies.


Based on the results of the study, determined the following matters: first the forms of social conflict in the novel Kidung Rindu in the Tapal Batas work by Aguk Irawan MN are (1), an individual conflict with himself, namely Nanjan felt dissatisfied with the conditions and conditions in his village that did not get justice in the attention of the government. (2), an individual conflict with a family environment namely Nanjan who is full of boredom always listens to her mother's stories and words about her grandparents who moved citizenship for economic happiness. (3), the conflict between individuals and the community when Nanjan differed with the older people about their move only to obtain prosperity and a bright future even in the neighboring country. Second, the cause of social conflict in the novel Kidung Rindu in Tapal Batas by Aguk Irawan MN is because Pang Ukir never wanted that Nanjan, her friends and citizens to move citizenship only for economic reasons only (differences in personality, needs, values, norms, interests, goals). Thirdly, the resolution of social conflict by elimination namely Nanjan was cranky in himself because his mother, the elderly (Pang Ukir) and Iskandar the army in Jagoi Babang forbade his decision to change citizenship. In the end, one of Nanjan's friends, Hamdan, preferred to remain an Indonesian citizen so that Nanjan chose to accept and follow the decisions of her friends even though Nanjan was still cranky in herself. Bred im the today of this research it is can be suggestied to other researchers to use this researcher as material to continue similar research, both deep in nature and the discovery of new aspects.


