Forms and Meanings of Indonesian Language Advertising Scripts on ARBES FM Radio in Padang


  • Ilan Utami
  • Yetty Morelent
  • Ineng Naini


Language is a communication tool used in daily life between members of the community to be able to convey thoughts and feelings in the form of a series of sounds produced by human speech tools. Each series of sounds produced, given meaning and then absorbed by the human senses, each interact with others there is certainly a meaning behind it, it all depends on the context of the discourse and the context of the situation of language use. The use of language is also used in mass media, one of which is radio. Radio language includes spoken and written languages because the language broadcast on the radio has been prepared in advance, written in the form of sentences that will be conveyed into a message. The style of advertisement on the radio has its own style because the ad language is persuasive.

The theory used in this study was put forward by Alwi et al (2010) about form, there are four syntactic categories consisting of (1) news sentences, (2) command sentences, (3) question sentences, (4) exclamation sentences. In each sentence has a meaning to understand the purpose and purpose of the dialogs contained in ad scripts.

This type of research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. The data in this study are dialogues contained in Indonesian language ad scripts on the ARBES FM radio. The data source in this study is the Indonesian language advertising scripts on ARBES FM radio totaling 10 ad scripts, there are 46 dialogues data analyzed. Data collection techniques are carried out through several stages as follows: (1) collecting advertising scripts in the form of dialogs on ARBES FM radio in Padang, West Sumatra, (2) reading Indonesian script that has been collected and then recording the data found in the dialogues exist in the ad script and, (3) existing data copied or recorded is then grouped according to data collection instruments. Based on the results of data analysis there are 46 dialog data. Of the 46 data found in the skirp of Indonesian language advertisements on the ARBES FM radio, there are 18 dialogue data, command sentences there are 6 dialogue data, question lines have 16 dialog data and exciting sentences there are 16 dialogue data while the meaning of sentence usage varies greatly because it all depends the purpose of the advertisement in the context of its activity.

From the results of the analysis of the data it can be concluded that the advertisements on the ARBES FM radio generally use Indonesian because broadcasters more easily convey the intent and purpose to be conveyed but not all intents and purposes conveyed are accepted by listeners and many use news sentences because all many forms of activity promote ideas, goods, and services to the listener.


