Children's Speech Strategy in Communicating in Family in Kenagarian Lunang,Kecamatan Lunang Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan


  • Lia Novia Sari
  • Yetty Morelent
  • . Syofiani


Language can be interpreted as a tool to convey something that comes to mind. However, further, language is a tool to interact or a tool to communicate thoughts, ideas or feelings. Language in its use is divided into two,there are written language and spoken language. The written language, usually used through written media, is not bound by space and time. Spoken language, usually expressed briefly and directly depending on the context of the context of the speech event. A person's speech acts can be influenced by several factors, examples: family, environmental, and educational factors. This research aims to describe the strategy of Children’s Speech in Communicating in the Family in Kenagarian Lunang, Kecamatan Lunang Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan. Previously there have been studies that have examined the strategy of speaking in different aspects, They are Delta (2009) and Cecep Kurniawan (2014).

The theory used in this study is the theory proposed by Brown and Levinson (in Syahrul 2008: 18-19) there are five kinds, namely (1) speaking frankly without further ado, (2) speaking frankly with positive politeness, (3) speech with negative politeness pleasantries, (4) speaking vaguely, and (5) speaking in the heart or being still.

This type of research isa qualitative research with descriptive methods. The source of the data in this study is that the data is taken from the speech acts of children towards older people in the aspect of speech strategy, with the data source are; interactions, conversations, or communication between children and older people in a family. Data collection techniques in this study were to take the following steps: (1) the researcher made observations to look for sources or informants in the Kenagarian Lunang District of Lunang, Pesisir Selatan Regency, (2) the researcher recorded the words or speeches of the informants using a recording device or mobile phones, and (3) researchers transcribe recorded data into written data. The analysis technique uses the following steps: (1) transcribing recorded data into text, (2) analyzing spoken strategies, (3) interpreting the results of data analysis, (4) summarizing the results of data interpretation. Based on the results of data analysis found 181 data speech communication. Out of 181 speech data communicating, 23 data were found, without any further ado (BTTB) of 23 data, speech using identity markers as members of the same group (TMPI) of 22 data, speech gave agreement (TMK) of 10 data, speech gave reason (TMA) as much as 84 data, promised speech (TB) as much as 5 data, joking remark as much as 3 data, gated speech (TBP) as much as 2 data, spoken request in the form of questions (TPBP) as much as 1 data, indirect speech (TTL) of 31 data. From the results of data analysis it can be concluded that, the higher a person's education or education of a family, the better his speech.

Based on the conclusions formulated, the following suggestions can be made: (1) Children in Kenagarian Lunang, Kecamatan Lunang Kabupaten Pesisir Selatanbased on communicating with older people should prioritize strategies in speaking. In order to use the greeting word, use the word “Please” when instructing, commanding, and pleading, (2) Parents to be more direct, guide, advise when children speak openly without further ado, and set an example for their children in acting well with people older, and (3) Other researchers, can be used as a reference for conducting research with different aspects.



