Learning Outcomes and Motivation to Read Children in Tanah Ombak Reading House in Purus III, Padang District, Padang City


  • Nova Ertina
  • . Gusnetti
  • Dainur Putri


Learning outcomes to determine abilities so as to form attitudes and increase knowledge. So the results are a tangible result achieved by students in an effort to master physical and spiritual skills in school that are realized in the form of student assessment. To find out the development of where the results achieved by students must be evaluated. To determine the progress achieved there must be criteria (benchmarks) that refer to the goals that have been determined so that it can be seen how much influence the teaching and learning strategy on the success of the motivation Motivation can also be defined as all things that cause encouragement or enthusiasm in a person. In everyday life we need that motivation begins with the change in energy in every individual human. Motivation is an internal condition that arouses a person to act, encourages achieving certain goals, and keeps the individual interested in the activity. self . This study aims to children in Tanah Ombak Reading House in Purus III, Padang Barat District, Padang City to describe: (1) children's motivation in reading at Tanah Ombak Reading House in Purus III, Padang Barat District, Padang City, (2) the results of learning to read children in Tanah Ombak Reading House in Purus III, Padang Barat District, Padang City.

The theory used in this study is that raised by (1) Sardiman (2010: 74), wherein the theory is explained that motivation begins the change in energy in each individual human. (2) Gusnetti (2014: 1), where the theory is explained that reading is a process carried out and used by readers to obtain information. (3) Fauzatul (2017: 6), Wherein in the theory learning outcomes are the results obtained by students which are used as guidelines to determine student progress in everything obtained at school.

This type of research is qualitative using descriptive methods. Sources of data in this study were children in Tanah Ombak Reading House in Purus III, Padang District, Padang City. Data collection techniques carried out by: (1) student learning outcomes reading, (2) results of answering questions (3) student motivation questionnaire. Data analysis techniques (1) student learning outcomes reading, (2) results of answering questions, (3) questionnaire student motivation. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion of 10 data, which includes learning outcomes, 1 student has sufficient grades and 9 students have high grades in reading. It can be concluded that the results of the study indicate that there is an increase in student learning outcomes and motivation in reading. This can be seen from the increase in student learning outcomes and motivation.

Based on the conclusions formulated, suggestions can be made as follows: (1) Tanah Ombak Reading House to complete facilities and infrastructure in the teaching and learning process, (2) The management of the Wave Land Reading House further increases children's reading motivation, (3) Managers must be more provide the latest innovations for children to be more happy to be in Tanah Ombak Reading House.


