Mother's Function and Moral Values in Song Lyrics About Mother


  • Yane Firawati
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • . Marsis


Literature is a form and result of creative arts which generally have human objects and their lives taken from real life. Through a literary work, the author will channel his imagination in order to convey certain messages and images to the reader. Song lyrics are an expression of someone about a thing that is seen, heard or experienced and has a form of message in the form of writing and sentences that can be used to create a certain atmosphere and imagination to the listener, including the function of the mother of a mother, a woman who gives birth to a child and has the duty to educate children, serving their husbands and doing work like a mother. Women mothers who are willing to sacrifice for their own children. Mother is also a gentle and loving woman. Moral is good or bad behavior of a person in his daily actions and describes how the behavior of people's lives that seem, about the description of the good and bad behavior of humans in behavior. This study aims to: (1) describe the function of mothers contained in song lyrics about mothers, (2) describe the moral values contained in song lyrics about mothers.

According to Pradopo (2010) literature is a result of one's creativity and uses language as its medium, Literature certainly does not escape a work in which it discusses one's creation so that it can be enjoyed by readers because the work is a work of creation. According to K.Bertens (2013) morality is the moral nature or the whole of the principles and values relating to good and bad actions. Moral, as well as the theme is an element of content. Literary work is something that the author wants to convey to the reader, is the meaning contained in a literary work, the meaning suggested through a story. According to Kartini Kartono (2007) there are 5 types of mother's functions, among others: (1) as a wife and life partner that includes a steady attitude in life, can accompany her husband in any circumstance and is accompanied by love, love, loyalty and loyalty to his life partner, (2) as a sexual partner that is implying that there is a satisfying hetero-sexual relationship, (3) as a wife's household manager whose job is to take care of the household, so that the household becomes harmonious, (4) as a mother and educator for her children meaning wife must be able to create a psychic climate that is happy and free and provides a sense of security, freedom, warmth, fun, and compassion, (5) as a social creature that actively participates in the social environment, meaning that a wife is willing to take care of her children and educate with love love and patience, skilled in taking care of the household to deal with various problems of life.

The relevant research was examined by Fomi Novel Putra (2018), Program student Study of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University, Padang, with the title "Moral Values in Song Lyrics Themed About the Figure of a Teacher". This study aims to describe the moral values contained in the song lyrics with the theme of a teacher. Then Maria Dreonsiana Jerama (2018), student of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Nusantara University PGRI Kediri, with the title "Moral Aspects in Manggarai Regional Song Lyrics". This research is intended to describe aspects of human morals and happiness in the lyrics of the manggarai regional song.

The kind of research used is qualitative research with descriptive methods. According to Sugiyono (2017) qualitative research, which is based on a postpositivism philosophy, used to investigate natural objects, where researchers are a key instrument, extraction of data source samples are conducted categorically and snowball, collegiate techniques, inductive/qualitative data analysis, and qualitative research results stress more meaning than generalization. The source of the data in this study are lyrics of a song about mothers composed of "Strongest Heart", "Mama", "Songs for You", "Songs for You", "Prayers for Mothers", "Mothers", "Prayers for Mothers", "Promises ". The instruments used in this study are self-study. Researchers read, listen to, understand, and record data that relate to the focus of the study that is maternal function and the moral values contained in the lyrics of songs having a theme about mothers. The data-collection technique used in this study is the documentation technique done in a way: (1) listen to the song lyrics with the theme of the mother, (2) understand all the song lyrics contained in the theme song about the mother, (3) mark the lyrics about the mother based on the moral values and functions of the mother, and (4) record the data in accordance with the research objectives themed song lyrics with a mother theme. Data analysis technique is done by: (1) identifying and grouping lyrics that contain mother's function and moral values in song lyrics that are about mothers, (2) explaining the mother's function and moral values in accordance with her problems, ( 3) interpret data analysis in describing the function of the mother, and (4) make conclusions and results of data analysis.

Based on data analysis and discussion found data on the function of the mother (1) as a social creature that is actively participating in the social environment with her husband or children, among others, described in the lyrics of the song "Prayer for Mother", (2) as a mother and educator that is a mother can give a sense safe, warm, and full of love and provide good examples for children, among others, are described in the lyrics of the song "As Strong as My Heart", (3) as a household manager, a kind of division of labor, here the husband's main task as a breadwinner, while the wife becomes a housekeeper among others depicted in the lyrics to the song "Mama", (4) as a sex partner that is an established sex life that is mainly caused by a stable psychological life, balanced, without serious inner conflicts, there is a willingness to understand His partners, as well as willing to sacrifice, among others, are depicted in the lyrics of the song "Mother's Prayer". While the results of research on moral value data show that the existence of (1) the moral value of conscience, namely as an expression of feeling in wanting something, among others, is described in the lyrics of the song "Song for You", (2) the moral value of freedom and responsibility, namely the form of acts of freedom in choose and determine attitudes, among others, described in the lyrics of the song "As strong as my heart", (3) moral values and norms that are forms of good and bad behavior in doing things, among others, described in the lyrics of the song "Promise", (4) moral values of rights and obligations namely an attitude to determine what will be ours while the obligation is something that must be done, among others, described in the lyrics of the song "Prayer for Mother".

Based on the conclusions formulated, suggestions can be made so that teachers can make teaching materials in schools about judging literature in song lyrics with the theme of mothers and other researchers making it a comparison material for examining father-themed song lyrics.


