"Development of Interactive Learning Media Based on Drill Models in Learning of IPA Theme 2 Always Save Energy Subtema 3 Alternative Energy for Class IV SDN 05 Surau Gadang". Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.


  • Nurza . Fina
  • Hendra . Hidayat
  • Rona Taula Sari


Executive Summary

Fina, Nurza. 2020. "Development of Interactive Learning Media Based on Drill Models in Learning of IPA Theme 2 Always Save Energy Subtema 3 Alternative Energy for Class IV SDN 05 Surau Gadang". Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University. 

Pembimbing: 1.Dr. Hendra Hidayat, M.Pd

                        2. Rona Taula Sari, S.Si. M.Pd


               Natural Sciences (IPA) deals with how to search for knowledge about nature systematically. Science learning is expected to be a vehicle for students to study humans and the contents of the universe in general (Yuniasti and Wulandari, 2015: 36). Today, the rapid technological development in the world and entering the world of education can make it easier for teachers to make variations in teaching in the learning process, one of which uses the science learning media. The use of technology in learning activities in the classroom actually has several advantages, such as streamlining the work of educators to be easier and more enjoyable for students. Where students can interact with technology virtually with images, sounds, colors and videos. Generally in learning the teacher conveys theory using the lecture method and using a blackboard. Learning is also monotonous due to the use of instructional media only on certain materials and the unavailability of IT-based learning media by teachers in classroom learning. Based on these problems alternative solutions from the information that has been stated, the researchers are interested in developing Interactive Learning Media Based on Drill Models in Science Learning Theme 2 Always Save Energy Subtema 3 Alternative Energy for Class IV SDN 05 Surau Gadang.               The type of research to be carried out is Research and Development or Research and Development which produces interactive learning products. The type of data taken in this study is primary data. The first data in the form of the results of the learning device validation provided by the validator are the results of interactive learning media based on the drill model for 4th grade elementary school. The second data is in the form of practicality results through the teacher's response questionnaire and student response questionnaire after the learning device is tested. The data collection technique of this study was through a questionnaire.                                      The results showed the value of the validity of learning media with a value of validity that is very valid with a value of 0.93 from the material aspect and from the aspect of the media declared very valid with a value of 0.82, which means the validity of the material and media aspects is declared very valid. the results of the practicality of learning media with a practical level value that is very practical with a value of 0.96 from the teacher practitioner and from the student practitioner expressed very practical with a value of 0.88 which means the practicality of the practitioner teacher and students expressed very practical.               From these data it can be concluded that the interactive learning media based on drill models in the science learning theme 2 always saves energy subtheme 3 alternative energy for class IV SDN 05 Surau Gadang has a high level of validity and practicality.


Keywords: Development of Science Learning Media, drill model, macromedia flash 8


