Mixing the Speech Codes of Class VIII-2 Public Schools 34 Padang, Lubuk Buaya Village, Koto Tangah District, Padang City


  • Yani Dwi Eka Putri
  • . M. Sayuti
  • . Gusnetti


This study aims to describe the direction of code mixing and the causes of code mixing in the learning process. The theory used as a reference in this research is the theory put forward by Nursaid and Maksan (2002) in sociolinguistic studies, namely, code mixing and several other supporting theories related to code mixing. This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. The object of the research was the students of class VIII-2 SMP Negeri 34 Padang. The data was collected using direct observation techniques by observing the speech of students of class VIII-2 SMP Negeri 34 Padang. The recording technique is used to record students' utterances using a recording device (cell phone) in communicating in class VIII-2 of SMP Negeri 34 Padang and transferring or transcribing data that has been recorded in written form. From the results of the study found (1) the direction of code mixing consisting of, the direction of mixing code into (inner code-mixing) using Indonesian to regional languages or vice versa as much as 32 data, and the direction of code mixing out (ou cod-mix) by using Indonesian into a foreign language or vice versa as much as 0 data (2) causes of code mixing consisting of: identification of 12 data roles, identification of 18 data types, and the desire to explain and interpret 2 data. From the results of the analysis it can be concluded that the code mixing that occurs in students of class VIII-2 SMP Negeri 34 Padang because speakers want to explain the intentions of interlocutors, insert elements of regional languages in communicating and interacting in the learning process at 34 Padang Public Middle School. Situations like this that encourage code mixing.

The theory used in this research is the theory put forward by Nursaid (2002: 26) that sociolinguistics is a linguistic branch that examines language tools that require social reference, including contextual, and factors related to the explanation of the two things.

The type of research used is qualitative research. Moleong (2010: 4) defines qualitative methodology as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral words from people and observable behavior. This research uses a descriptive method. Moleong (2010: 11) says that the data collected is in the form of words, pictures, and not numbers. This method is carried out by collecting, compiling, and analyzing data mixed code of class VIII-2 students at 34 State Junior High School in Padang, Lubuk Buaya Village, Koto Tangah District, Padang City. Data collection techniques used in this study are direct observation and recording. Data collection was carried out by direct observation technique by directly observing the speech of students of class VIII-2, 34 Padang, SMP, Lubuk Buaya Village, Koto Tangah District, Padang City. The recording technique is used to record students' speech in communicating in class VIII-2 SMP Negeri 34 Padang. The steps in collecting this research data are: (1) listening and recording speeches of Grade VIII-2 students at 34 State Junior High School in Padang using a recording device (mobile phone), (2) transferring or transcribing data that has been recorded in written form. Moleong (2010: 248) says that qualitative analysis is an effort made by working with data, organizing data, breaking it down into manageable units, synthesizing it, searching for, and demanding patterns, determining what is learned and deciding what can be told to other people.

This step in data collection uses direct observation. The steps to analyze data are as follows: (1) transcribing records contained in mixed code into written language, (2) analyzing mixed speech codes in mixing codes with the theory of code mixing directions and the causes of code mixing, (3 ) classifying code mixed data in written form, (4) concluding the analysis of the data obtained, the format filled after taking data and discussing the results of data analysis obtained, and (5) entering the code mixed data into the table.

Based on the data description, data analysis and discussion described in chapter V can be concluded as follows. First, the code mix direction found by the author in this research is the direction of code mixing in (Indonesian to regional languages or vice versa) as much as 32 data when communicating in the learning process. The teacher mixes the language from Indonesian into the Minangkabau regional language or vice versa because the teacher when explaining the learning process takes place to the students mixing the language so that what is conveyed by the teacher to students is easily understood. Based on the conclusions formulated, suggestions can be made as follows: (1) for teachers and prospective teachers, it is hoped that the results of this study will be used as teaching material in sociolingustic teaching in Indonesian language learning, so that teachers can teach material using mixed codes according to context. (2) for students, it is expected that the results of this study can increase knowledge about code mixing so students know the correct use of code mix and context when communicating and interacting between speakers and speech partners. (3) further researchers, it is hoped that the results of this study can be used as material for comparison or guidelines for conducting the same research with different aspects, objects, and subjects.


