"The effect of model Everyone Is A Teacher Here on Civic Education learning outcomes students grade four at SDN 34 Koto Rawang Pesisir Selatan". Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.


  • Pebriyenni . .
  • Darwianis . .


Executive Summary

Rahmania, Nesti. 2020. "The effect of model Everyone Is A Teacher Here on Civic Education learning outcomes students grade four at SDN 34 Koto Rawang Pesisir Selatan". Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.


Supervisor:     1. Dra.Pebriyenni, M.Si

                        2. Dra. Darwianis, MH

According to Susanto (2012: 225), "explains Civics is a subject that is used as a vehicle to develop and preserve the noble and moral values rooted in the culture of Indonesia". Generally, teachers still use the lecture method. Lecture method that has been used by the teacher in the learning process in the classroom. To overcome the problems tersebu researchers used a model of learning Everyone Is A Teacher Here the learning outcomes Civics fourth grade students of SDN 34 Koto Rawang South Coast. Based on this, the researchers conducted an experimental study with the title "The Effect of the learning model Everyone Is A Teacher Here the learning outcomes Civics fourth grade students of SDN 34 Koto Rawang South Coast".

This research is an experimental research with the "posttest-only control design". The independent variable in this study is a learning model Everyone Is A Teacher Here, while the dependent variable is the result of learning civics. Population and sample in this study were all fourth grade students of SDN 34 Koto Rawang in 2019/2020 academic year consisting of two classes, namely the class IVA as many as 21 students and class IVB were 21 students. Sampling techniques in particular by random sampling. The research instrument is a matter of trial tests are conducted at SDN 45 Ganting by the number of 40 questions and 20 questions are valid.

, The results showed the average value of the experimental class is higher than the control class (class experiment average value of 72.9 and the control class average value 63.80). In statistical test hargathitung> t (0.05; 62)(2.21> 2.02) with level(Α = 0.05) then the hypothesis H1 is accepted, From these data it can be concluded that the learning modelEveryone Is A Teacher Here effect on learning outcomes Civics class students IVSDN 34 Koto Rawang. Thus the learning model Everyone Here Is A Teacher is expected in order to be used in the learning process to give a better effect on student learning outcomes.


Keywords: Everyone Is A Teacher Here, Civic Education  Learning Outcomes


