Development of Student Worksheet (LKPD) in Learning Method of Problem Based Learning (PBL) on Material of Cubes and Beams Class VIII of Pertiwi Siteba Padang


  • . . Yolanda
  • . Niniwati


Student Worksheet (LKPD) is one type of learning aid. Student worksheet is a learning tool as a complement or supporting the implementation of the learning plan (According to Hidayah and Sugiarto in Majid, 2015, p.232). During the learning process it is seen that the teacher still uses textbooks and does not use student worksheet, the teacher is more dominant than the students, there is no mathematics student worksheet based on Problem Based Learning.

Researchers develop student worksheets that can train students to learn independently in solving a problem and guide students to find a solution. One learning model that can make students learn independently in solving problems and increase their curiosity is Problem Based Learning. Therefore, based on the above problems the Researcher Developed a Worksheet Based on Problem Based Learning on the Material of Cubes and Beams in Class VIII of the Pertiwi Siteba Middle School in Padang.

This type of research is development research or Research & Development (R&D). The procedure of implementing this research uses 3 stages in the Trianto 4-D development model, namely the Analyzing Stage, the Design Stage, and the Development Stage. Whereas the final stage, namely the Dissemination Stage, was not conducted by the researcher because of limited time, energy, and cost. Based on the results of the validity test analysis and the results of the practicality test analysis, it can be concluded that the Problem Based Learning LKPD is feasible and practical to use, amounting to 87.72% with valid criteria and 80.31% with practical criteria.

So, it can be concluded that the Students Worksheet of Problem Based Learning Method in the Material of Cubes and Beams in Class VIII of Pertiwi Siteba Padang Junior High School is feasible to be used as mathematics teaching material and has ease in its use. Based on the results of this study, researchers suggest further research is needed to test the effectiveness and expand the scope of learning material to be developed.


Keywords : Student Worksheets and Problem Based Learning


