The Effect of the Implementation of the STAD Type Cooperative Model on the Learning Outcomes of Students of Class IV SDN 05 Surau Gadang


  • AGUNG SURYADI PUTRA Universitas Bun Hatta
  • Gusmaweti Gusmaweti Universitas Bun Hatta
  • Enjoni Enjoni Universitas Bun Hatta


The term science or science derived from English, namely science. Natural Sciences can be seen from three aspects. In brief, the three aspects are as follows: (a) the purpose of Natural Sciences is as a tool to rule over nature and to contribute to the welfare of humanity. (b) Science can be seen as systematic and resilient knowledge in the sense that it is an outcome or conclusion obtained from various events and (c) Science can be seen as a method. The Natural Sciences Method is a set of rules for solving problems (Nurmiati, 2014: 130). To overcome these problems the researchers used the Cooperative Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) model of the learning outcomes of Natural Sciences students in grade IV SDN 05 Surau Gadang. Based on this, the researchers conducted an experimental study with the title "" The Effect of the Application of the Cooperative Student Type Achievement Division (STAD) model on the learning outcomes of Natural Sciences students in grade IV SDN 05 Surau Gadang.
This study aims to determine the effect of the cooperative learning model type student teams achievment division (STAD) on the learning outcomes of Grade IV science students at SDN 05 Surau Gadang. This type of research is an experimental study using a cooperative learning model student teams achievment division type. The population in this study were all students of class IV semester I at SDN 05 Surau Gadang consisting of two classes, sampling using the Total Sampling technique, the application of the experimental class and the control class by means of Rendom then the IVB class was assigned as the experimental class of 30 students and IVA class as a control class of 30 students. Data collection techniques using the test. The data analysis technique used is quantitative analysis technique. The results showed that the average score of the experimental class was 78.62, while the average value of the control class was 66.25. With the statistical test level (a = 0.05) obtained tcount = 4.036 and ttable = 2.06 or in other words tcount> ttable, then the hypothesis H1 is accepted. The model of cooperative learning model student teams achievment division is able to influence student
learning outcomes because it provides opportunities for students. Thus it can be concluded that the cooperative learning model type student teams achievment division with the material process of sound from the sense of hearing can affect the learning outcomes of science in class IV SDN 05 Surau Gadang.
Keywords: Cooperative learning type student teams achievment division, student learning outcomes.


