Development of Ips-Based Learning Modules Making Games on the Theme of 7 Events in Life for Class V Students


  • Resty rahmawati
  • yulfia Nora Universitas Bung Hatta
  • M Tamrin Universitas Bung Hatta


Education is something that is inseparable from being very important in human life, because through education quality human resources will be formed. According to Trianto (2013: 1) "Education means one form of dynamic human culture and development conditions.fround in the problem in that field 1.) Books used in the form of thematic books, 2.) have not used and provided books that are interesting and in accordance with the characteristics of students, 3.) many studens do not pay attention and respond to what is conveyed by the teacher during the learning process takes place. "This study aims to develop a Social Studies learning module based on Make a Match in the Event in Life material for valid and practical V grade students. This type of research is Research and Development. The Make a Match based social learning module was developed using three-D models. This research was conducted in the even semester of the 2019/2020 school year. Data collection is done by validation and testing of modules developed. The module design that was designed was validated by three experts and then tested it limitedly in class V SDN 38 Seberang Tarok to find out the practicality of the module being developed.
The results of the research conducted found that the Social Studies learning module based on Make a Match on the material 7 Events in life for fifth grade students of SDN 38 Seberang Tarok is in a very valid category with an average percentage validity of 93.4%. The modules that have been developed are categorized as very practical by teachers with an average percentage of practicality of 92.76%, also categorized as very practical according to students with an average percentage of practicality of 92.6. So it can be concluded that the module is based on Make a Match can be used as a learning resource for both teachers and students.


