Development of Science Learning Modules on Material Temperature and Heat Based on Constructivism Approaches for Class V SD Negeri 08 Surau Gadang


  • DISYA OCTA SINDRA Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Wince Hendri Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Zulfa Amrina Universitas Bung Hatta


Education is a very important thing for humans, education is not just a process of transfer of knowledge between educators and students, but education is also a process of finding and gaining knowledge through interactions with the environment. In the learning process in the classroom students are more often required to memorize lessons given without having to understand and relate them to everyday life, so this causes students to only master the theory but weak in its application in everyday life. Students will be able to understand the subject matter well with the help of educators. In helping students understand subject matter educators can use several teaching materials. One additional teaching material that can be used is the learning module.
According to Sari (2017: 23) the module is a unit of learning resources designed to help students achieve their learning goals. The module is also called the media for independent learning because it has been equipped with instructions for independent learning. So in this case the module can help educators in developing subject matter. There are some subjects that are difficult to understand by students, one of them is the subject of Natural Sciences. In this subject, students must be able to think critically and be scientific, because students must be able to link subject matter with daily life. Natural Sciences (IPA) is one of the subjects that can build students' knowledge. Science is very broadly related to human life. In natural science subjects in elementary school students often have difficulty in building their knowledge and linking material with everyday life. To overcome this, the researchers conducted a research development under the title "Development of Science Learning Modules on the Material of Temperature and Heat Based on the Construtvism Approach for Class V SD Negeri 08 Surau Gadang". This study aims to produce a science learning module on temperature and heat material based on a constructivism approach for grade V SD Negeri 08 Surau Gadang that is valid and practical. This type of research is Research and Development. The science learning module based on the constructivism approach was developed using the 4-D model (Define, Design, develop, and Disseminate), which is limited to the develop stage. This research was conducted in the even semester of the 2019/2020 school year. The test subjects in this study were 27 students in grade V of SD Negeri 08 Surau Gadang. The type of data used in this study is primary data. For data collection the instruments used were lecturer validation sheets and practicality sheets. Data collection is done by validation and testing of modules developed. The module design that was made was validated by three expert lecturers and then it was tested in class V SD Negeri 08 Surau Gadang to find out the practicality of the module. This shows that this module is in a very valid category by three expert lecturers, namely with a validity value of 0.96 by the design expert lecturer, a validity value of 1.00 by the linguist lecturer, and a validity value of 0.85 by the material expert lecturer, so the overall average validity of three expert lecturers is 0.93 in the very valid category. The modules that have been developed are categorized as very practical by educators with a practical percentage of 94.7%. The modules developed are also categorized as very practical by students with an average percentage of practicality of 92.5%. From these data it can be concluded that the science learning module on the temperature and heat material based on the constructivism approach for grade V SD Negeri 08 Surau Gadang is declared very valid and very practical.
Keywords: Natural Sciences Module, Contructivism, Valid, Practical


