Analysis Of Student Errors In Solving Mathematical Problems Based on Anderson's Dimension Of Knowledge In Class X Science Students of SMAN 1 Bukittinggi.


  • Annisa Aulia
  • . Niniwati
  • Yusri Wahyuni


This research is motivated by a number of errors made by students in a math problem. Besides that, the daily test scores of the 10th grade students of natural sciences at SMAN 1 Bukittinggi are still below the minimum completeness criteria ( KKM ).

            This type of research is a descriptive researcher , the population in this research is all students of class X natural sciences of SMAN 1 Bukittinggi. Sampling was based on a purposive sampling technique with a sample class that is class X IPA 3. The instruments used in this study were descriptive tests , questionnaires and interviews.

          The results showed the number of errors made by students with a sample of 33 students is the number of factual errors by 20%, conceptual errors by 21%, procedural errors by 23% and metacognition errors by 36%. Factors that cause students to make mistakes are internal factors such as, lack of understanding of problems, errors in steps of problem solving, not knowing the concepts that used to answer questions and student accuracy. External factors such as classroom atmosphere that is less conducive (sometimes noisy and there are some students who talk to their chairmates when the teacher explains) during learning, support from parents and learning facilities at home and the social environment of students.

            From the results of the study, it is recommended that students work on more questions related to the material being taught and ask the teacher more often if there is still something not understood.



Keywords:      Error Analysis, Anderson Knowledge Dimension, Factors Causing Student                        Mistakes


